Bulletin Articles

Bulletin Articles

“What MUST change in the new year”

Categories: bond between brethren, growing, prayers, stronger faith, Study the Word

What MUST change in the new year


The first article discussed how God has consistently expected certain things from Christians since the faith began. If we remain constant in those matters, then we will see some positive changes in our spiritual lives. Here is a list of what should change from year to year:


  1. Your faith will get stronger (II Thess. 1:3).


  1. Your bond with brethren will get stronger (Rom. 12:10).


  1. Your efforts to help the lost will increase (Acts 8:4).


  1. Your relationship with the Lord will grow (Phil. 3:8).


  1. Your joy in being a Christian will increase (I Pet. 4:13).


  1. Your prayers will multiply (I Thess. 5:17).


  1. Your abilities will grow as you do more in the church (Phil. 2:12).


  1. Your selflessness will increase as you help others more (Gal. 6:10).


  1. Your patience will grow as you continue to resist temptation (James 1:2-3).


  1. Your knowledge will increase as you defend the truth more (I Pet. 3:15).


  1. Your spiritual endurance will increase as you consistently live your faith (Heb. 12:28).


The more Christians positively change, the more the church remains the same. May we all seek to please the Lord by improving on these things in 2017!

