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Look for the signs

Sunday, July 31, 2016

Look for the signs 


 The apostle Paul warned the brethren at Galatia by uttering these words, “But if you bite and devour one another, beware lest you be consumed by one another!” (Gal. 5:15). When you understand the context of this passage, we can see the reason why he had so much concern.


Apparently, in Galatia there was someone going about teaching false ideas. In the latter part of verse 10 it states, “…but he who troubles you shall bear his judgment, whoever he is.” What made this such a serious problem was the fact that is was hurting the church. In order for the situation to head towards rectification, Paul went on to tell them, “I could wish that those who trouble you would even cut themselves off.” (vr. 12).


The words spoken by Paul may seem harsh but they needed to be said. Brethren ought to see the danger when someone is propagating error. How can we know when this is happening with us today? The answer is we need to look for the signs. Here is a short list of things to look for.


When the person involved is not interested in talking about it openly


Whoever the guilty party was that the apostle spoke of, that was troubling the brethren there, he did not know who it was. The point is, if those who were involved in spreading their false ideas were interested in the truth, why promote it quietly behind closed doors?  


Such people are described in II Timothy 3:6, “For this sort are those who creep into households and make captives of gullible women loaded down with sins, led away by various lusts.”  If one is in the right, they shouldn’t fear open discussion.


When division is no big deal to them


Again, whoever was responsible for the false teaching, they didn’t care about the impact if would have. This is why the writer had to make it clear that such behavior would lead to total destruction (vr. 15). It’s sad when individuals engage in things that do nothing more than destroy unity within the church (I Coir. 1:10).


When the person would rather stay and create more problems than leave and be with others who accept their false ideas


Remember what we noted earlier in verse 12. Paul wished that those trouble-makers would cut themselves off. Let us not conclude that Paul didn’t care for their soul. It’s just that the apostle knew that. “A little leaven leavens the whole lump.” (vr. 9).


When the individual causing the problems can’t get off the topic


In the text, the problem had to do with circumcision (vr. 3). Paul did tell the saints that he had confidence in them in the Lord (vr. 10). It was the evil doers he feared. The fact that they kept pressing the issue meant they were not learning. Such people are not interested in learning, just promoting.


When those promoting error do so to make themselves feel better


Here is one of the main issues Paul brought to light in chapter 4 verse 17, “They zealously court you, but for no good; yes, they want to exclude you, that you may be zealous for them.” This was the concern. It was their selfish ambition that was behind it. They were not concerned for the spiritual well being of the brethren. Let’s keep our eyes open for the signs.


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