Bulletin Articles

Bulletin Articles

“Ca a woman wear make-up”

Categories: adornment, apparel, choice, hair, jewelry, make-up, modest dress, Study the Word

Can a woman wear make-up?


This question was sent in by someone taking our Bible study course. It is based upon the text of I Timothy 2:9-10: “in like manner also, that the women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with propriety and moderation, not with braided hair or gold or pearls or costly clothing, but, which is proper for women professing godliness, with good works.”


The first thing we notice is that Paul is not forbidding women from managing their appearances. To do so would be to contradict what Peter wrote: “Do not let your adornment be merely outward – arranging the hair, wearing gold, or putting on fine apparel…” (I Pet. 3:3). In both texts, the writers stress that the woman is to be known for her inward beauty, not just her external appearance. Thus, both writers instruct women to dress modestly and not wear anything that would attract men in an ungodly manner.


Notice how the braiding of hair was equated to wearing expensive apparel or wearing jewelry. All of these things can be done to incite the attraction of men and overemphasize outward beauty. Paul stressed that women should be adorned in goods works, which is to say that they should be known and remembered for these deeds. Peter spoke similarly and said that a woman’s adornment should not merely be physical. Ultimately, physical appearance becomes a matter of the heart. Appearances can be managed, but this must not become our highest calling.


We also must remember that everything is relative. Neither writer condemned specific styles but instead wisely gave us general principles. When we are dressing to impress and draw attention, we are indicating that we have a heart problem (Matt. 5:8; Luke 12:34).


Just as the Bible states there is an attire of a harlot and warns against dressing that way (Prov. 7:10), we can also know how to dress properly. Make-up is a component of this – it can be done properly or improperly. Let’s be mindful of the principles being set forth in the word of God.

