Bulletin Articles

Bulletin Articles

“Now the other side...”

Categories: church, kingdom, Study the Word

Although everything in the first article is scripturally correct, it could leave the wrong impression. One might incorrectly conclude that after a person obeys the gospel and is added to the kingdom of our Lord, that is the end. Truthfully, this could not be any farther from the truth – this is only the beginning.

Paul told Timothy (and the same goes for us today) that we need to know how we ought to conduct ourselves in the church (I Tim. 3:15). The same goes for the kingdom as we are to be workers (Col. 4:11).  In other words, if we do not abide in the teachings of Christ as our King and head, then heaven will not be ours (II John 9).

There is another aspect of the kingdom that we need to see. We must understand the need for faithfulness. Although Christians are in the kingdom today (Col. 1:13), they are not in heaven. The apostle Paul, while telling Timothy that his departure was at hand (II Tim. 4:6), uttered these words: “And the Lord will deliver me from every evil work and preserve me for His heavenly kingdom. To Him be the glory forever and ever. Amen!” (verse 18). Was the apostle not already in the kingdom? He was in the kingdom, but his eternal dwelling place was still dependent upon him fighting the good fight, finishing the race and keeping the faith (verses 7-8).

The kingdom is described in spiritual terms, so it makes sense that Christians must remain faithful to inherit the kingdom of our Lord (I Cor. 6:9-10). Being a member of the kingdom today does not guarantee us a place in the kingdom tomorrow – that is dependent on our conduct. Even as we know this to be true, our excitement is not dampened. Being a citizen of the kingdom today puts us in a perfect position to later abide in heaven with Jesus. This is why we need to be zealous in preaching that the kingdom has come and that all need to be faithful (Rev. 2:10).

Those who are part of the God’s spiritual family are enjoying a taste of what heaven will be like. We will be with those of like, precious faith who share a common love of God and are clothed with humility.
