Bulletin Articles

Bulletin Articles

“Why do people believe?”

Categories: false prophets, false teaching, prophets, Study the Word

Why people are so quick to accept those who claim to be a prophet? This requires both a lack of knowledge on the part of the listener and smooth talking on the part of the deceiver. Liars are only as successful as those will to listen to them.

We are warned not to be deceived (I Cor. 6:9; 15:33; Gal. 6:7 etc.). We cannot stop false prophets from periodically promoting themselves, but we can prevent ourselves from following them. Teaching that is rooted in the persuasive words of human wisdom should be treated as just that – words of men rather than the word of God (I Cor. 2:4-5). Remember, the gospel (not words of men) is the power of God unto salvation (Rom. 1:16).

It might seem heartless to say that all those who are deceived by false prophets want to be. However, this is not entirely untrue. Consider what happened to the brethren at Corinth. The apostle Paul labored with the brethren there for years. Yet as soon as he left, other teachers arrived and turned the brethren against Paul (II Cor. 11). How did they do it? It was with a boastful attitude that the brethren put up with (II Cor. 11:16-21).

I do not know how many times, over the years, I have heard people accept something just because of the way someone said it. Speakers can come across with such confidence and credentials (graduate degrees, years of service, etc.) that they intimidate and recruit followers. People who succumb to this have only themselves to blame. They can claim that they do not want to be deceived, but they are not mustering the courage to question their religious leaders. They have become the blind followers Jesus spoke of (Matt. 15:14).

When Paul told Timothy about Eve’s deception in the garden (I Tim. 2:14), there was not much else to say. He did not have to say “how” Eve was deceived. She simply was quick to believe what she was told. It was what she wanted to hear. We must recognize this lesson that those who want to be deceived will be. Do we recognize this happening our own lives?
