Bulletin Articles

Bulletin Articles

“How to satisfy hunger and thirst”

Categories: hunger and thirst for righteousness, Study the Word

Jesus, during His sermon on the mount stated, “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they shall be filled,” (Matt. 5:6). Which Christian does not want to be righteous? But this begs the question – how does a child of God satisfy the hunger pains? Let’s explore this to help our spiritual growth.

We need to start by knowing how the hunger and thirst for righteousness is created. Our fleshly appetites create cravings when we have not eaten for a period of time. Spiritual food is a bit different though. Some people can go without righteousness and not miss it. How can this hunger for righteousness be stirred up.

Faithful Christians make it their goal to goal to have eternal life (Heb. 12:1-2). This can only be achieved by being spiritually healthy, meaning one must be righteous (I Pet. 3:12). Because the righteous are scarcely saved, we can conclude where that leaves the one who is not righteous (I Pet. 4:18).  Let us now list the ways God’s people can be filled by satisfying their hunger and thirst for righteousness.

  1. Know that all acts of righteousness are good. Obviously, things that are right cannot also be wrong. Saints who question the teachings of our Lord will not desire to eat and drink of His righteousness (Rom. 9:20-21).
  2. Have a desire to be filled. This is not meant to be funny, but some people seem to think they can go on a diet when it comes to feeding on righteousness. They partake of some good, spiritual activities but not all of them. We can only become filled when we walk fully in the light (I John 1:5-6).
  3. Lose your taste for unrighteousness. When I do not like something, I do not eat it. A person can learn to dislike healthy foods (fruits, vegetables, etc.) or truly unhealthy things like poison, broken glass, pins, etc. The same thing can happen spiritually. We can learn to dislike spiritually beneficial things, or we can learn to dislike unrighteousness (Psa. 119:104).
  4. Find the joy is being righteous. Eating and drinking without enjoying the food will prevent one from being a good eater. Christians, from the beginning of their journey, receive the gospel with gladness and rejoice upon their conversion (Acts 2:42; 8:39). Notice how often Jesus said “Blessed are those…” The Lord was saying that those who hunger and thirst for righteousness are those who enjoy both having the meal of righteousness as well as the satisfaction afterward.
  5. Have a desire to learn what righteousness is. Our hunger is not satisfied physically just because we want a meal. A hungry person knows they need to eat. Similarly, children of God must study His word when they hunger and thirst for righteousness (Rom. 1:16-17). Notice how Paul, in Romans 1, clarifies where the righteousness of God is found. Simply having that spiritual hunger will not suffice.
  6. Apply the things you learned. No one goes to a restaurant and is filled by just reading the menu. Rather, reading about food options invigorates my appetite. The same is true when godly people read the Bible. They will want to immediately make changes in their lives or share the gospel with others (James 1:22; II Tim. 2:2).

Do you have a hunger and thirst for righteousness? If you do, two things are certain. You will be blessed, and you will be filled!

