Bulletin Articles

Bulletin Articles

“Heat goes up, clothes come off”

Categories: immodest apparel, immodest dress, immodest/modest, Study the Word

Yes, it is that time of the year where the winter clothes are put away and the summer clothing comes out (what little there is). It used to be that skimpy clothing was only worn on the beach. This is no longer true as similar attire can be found at the grocery story, on the street and even at school. Sadly, the line between the way saints dress and the way the worldly dress seems increasingly less distinct.

The obvious reason has to do with conformity (Rom. 12:1-2). When the majority of the world approves of immodest apparel, those opposed are viewed as oddballs, weird, strange or out of touch. Christians are viewed this way because they are making a big deal out of that which is not a big deal to the ungodly.

Children of God should not just to familiarize themselves with I Timothy 2:9 but need to actually think about what it means. If someone were to ask you, “What is immodest apparel?” most people would probably name revealing articles of clothing. This response is not wrong, but we should give the issue a little more thought so we can understand what God views as immodest apparel and why He is concerned with it.

Consider the word licentiousness (lasciviousness in some translations) (Gal. 5:19). This term helps explain the concept of “immodest apparel” and is described as a work of the flesh. The word means filthy, unbridled lust, shamelessness, wantonness. Also the idea of exciting disgust. This not only has to do with moving one’s body to incite such feelings but also with what one wears.

Those wearing immodest apparel may argue that they cannot control those lusting after them. There is some truth to this, but those who lust after others are without excuse (Matt. 5:28). It is naïve to think that what we wear or do not wear will not impact how we are viewed. Remember, there is such thing as the attire of a harlot (Prov. 7:10). As the temperatures rise, may we all remember who we are and how we are to let our light shine (Matt. 5:13-16).
