Bulletin Articles

Bulletin Articles

“Stop making excuses for missing worship!”

Categories: attendance, attitudes, Hebrews 10:25, judgment, Study the Word

This title seems harsh, right? Am I trying to drive members away? Am I being callous toward people with legitimate reasons to miss worship? Before anyone jumps to conclusions, this article is not dealing with members who might make excuses for missing church services. Rather, it is for those who criticize others for missing when they do not know the facts.

As Christians, we are to be loving toward one another (I Thess. 4:9). If we have the kind of godly love that our Lord has in mind, then we have a love that thinks no evil (I Cor. 13:5). Giving our brothers and sisters the benefit of the doubt is vital to maintaining proper Christian attitudes. Without this disposition, all kinds of gossip and false thinking can arise and create serious problems between brethren.

We are not jumping to conclusions if a Christians says they could not attend worship and then floods social media with information suggesting otherwise. When we do not have any information though, it is not the place of Christians to judge.

Truthfully, all kinds of issues can arise to hinder good brethren from being able to assemble with the saints. Those who cannot assemble but really want to will take advantage of other tools to participate to whatever degree they can. They might watch services live online or later when they are feeling better. They might study the Bible alone if they are sick and cannot attend a class with the group. They also let brethren know where they are so their brethren do not worry unnecessarily. This lesson is about not wanting to jump to conclusions about others, so we should not want others to jump to conclusions about us either. Let’s make the effort to keep one another in the know (Gal. 6:1-2).

Christians also need to be aware that Hebrews 10:25 (about assembling with Christians) has to do with serving the Lord. If brethren are making excuses and missing, the Lord takes it personally, not us as Christians (John 7:7). Let’s give each other the benefit of the doubt. And may we keep each other informed to give assurance.
