Bulletin Articles

Bulletin Articles

“Let's not say it was God”

Categories: Satan, Study the Word, temptation

We are told in the book of James that God does not tempt anyone (James 1:13). This is a very important principle to keep in mind.  It is commonly said by religious people “that God put this or that in front of me to strengthen me.” We know that God does not allow us to be tempted beyond our ability to resist (I Cor. 10:13). The James passage goes further and explains that our God does not tempt us at all.

Are we to conclude that if a person is mugged or robbed that the Lord did this to help the victim’s faith? Certainly not. Things that happen to mankind can come as a result of bad choices, freak accidents, wickedness or just being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Consider those in Luke 13:4.


No matter what happens in our lives, Satan is working on us (I Pet. 5:8). As our adversary, he can even tempt us when nothing bad has happened. We can become complacent or take blessings for granted and become unthankful. The burden is on us to avoid these pitfalls.


When challenges arise and are overcome, Christians might be tempted to say, “God knew what I needed and put that before me.” The Bible states otherwise. Look at Paul’s thorn in the flesh as recorded in II Corinthians 12. Paul said that this affliction was given to him to help him not to exalt himself above measure (verse 7). But notice in that verse the apostle stated it was a messenger of Satan. God did not send this affliction. Nor did God take it away. Paul used this as an opportunity to lean on the Lord (verses 8-10).


The faithful do not need their Father to tempt them in order to grow. Our God allows the devil to tempt. God’s people will either allow it to strengthen them (James 1:2-3) or allow it to cause them to stumble. Because we are being tempted with so many things daily, there is no question that God will provide a way of escape whatever we face.


The next time you are faced with temptation and triumph over it, recognize that you succeeded because you leaned on the Lord. May we all walk by faith.

