Bulletin Articles

Bulletin Articles

“So what do we call them?”

Categories: elders, pastor, preacher, Study the Word

This past week I had a person inquire about the term “pastor.” I explained that the word is referring to elders (Eph. 4:11) and that to become an elder one must meet the qualifications found in Titus 1 and II Timothy 3. I also went on to tell her that Jesus condemned the use of titles (Matt. 23:7-9). The problem with elevating religious leaders is not new. The church at Corinth faced this, and Paul rebuked them sharply (I Cor. 1:12-15).


Her response was to ask “What do people call you – by your name?” Yes, that is exactly what people do. The Bible describes those who proclaim the gospel as being preachers, ministers or evangelists. I pointed out that I am “Chuck who preaches,” not Preacher Chuck. Unfortunately, many in the religious realm who claim to be teachers demand that they be called Pastor so and so.


This problem is so ingrained into the minds of people that they find it very hard to reject. Many editions of the Bible – some in print for hundreds of years – list the authors of the first four books of the New Testament as Saint Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. The fact is, all Christians are saints (II Cor. 1:1). So again, I am to be a saint, but I am not Saint Chuck.


Here is the fundamental question – have religious leaders earned the right to have a designation that is different from the rest of the flock? Man was responsible for coming up with a clergy/laity distinction. It is not a Biblical concept. (This distinction is also why certain religious leaders feel compelled to wear a special garment to make them distinct from the rest of the congregation). These practices are contrary to the word of God but are accepted by many today.


I realize the use of the titles “Pastor”, “Reverend”, “Saint”, and the like are not going away. However, we do not have to follow this unauthorized path. Instead, let us give God the glory He is due by doing only what He has authorized. If you want to discuss religious titles further, please reach out.

