Bulletin Articles

Bulletin Articles

“Questions concerning 2017”

Categories: Bible answer, Bible question, Study the Word, take heed lest you fall

Self-evaluation is not only helpful to God’s children, but also expected. Paul writing the brethren at Corinth stated, “Examine yourselves as to whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves. Do you not know yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you? - unless indeed you are disqualified.” (II Cor. 13:5).


As we all look back on another year the Lord has blessed us with, let’s be honest with ourselves as we consider the following questions:


  1. Did I take care of all unrepented sin that was in my life?
  2. Did I go out of my way to do all I could to encourage brethren and visitors when I gathered for worship?
  3. Has my prayer life improved over the past year?
  4. Did I put forth efforts with my family and friends, who are not Christians, to try and help them know the Lord?
  5. Did I contact those who were sick this past year with a card, text, or email?
  6. Did I take the time to read the bulletin that was put out each week?
  7. Have I taken any opportunities to develop my talents for the Lord’s work?
  8. When I was unable to make it to worship in the a.m. did I make sure when I came out in the p.m. that I still fulfilled my duty to give back to the Lord?
  9. When I travelled on vacation, did I make plans to be at a place that I could worship with fellow Christians?
  10. When I needed help from my brethren, did I reach out to them?
  11. When the church was asked to pray for certain things, did I actually do it?
  12. Did I make time to do personal study at home?
  13. Did I show genuine appreciation to brethren when they did things for me?
  14. Did I overcome a sin that I had been struggling with?
  15. Was my church attendance consistent?
  16. Did I prepare for Bible classes when material was given ahead of time?
  17. When I was home and unable to attend, did I take advantage of our services being streamed online?
  18. Did I pray often for my brothers and sisters and for doors to open to reach the lost?
  19. Was I hospitable to folks whether bringing them home or taking them out?
  20. Did I help edify the church or was I a complainer?


Christians are workers for the Lord. If the Lord blesses us with another years, a final question: Will I aim to do more or less in 2018?

