Bulletin Articles

Bulletin Articles

“A need for leadership”

Categories: deacons, elders, leaders, Study the Word

When Paul left Crete, we are told he left Titus there to set in order the things that were lacking (Titus 1:4-5). The thing that stands out is the fact that the apostle felt he needed to have a preacher teach on the importance of leadership. We know that because he was told to appoint elders in every church.


As one reads through the qualification of elders (Titus 1:5-9; I Tim. 3:1-7), you can’t help but notice what is required in order to become qualified. No one is unqualified to teach one day and then is qualified to teach the next day. Nor is one unhospitable one day and then is considered hospitable the next day. We can say this about each and every one of the qualifications. This shows that leadership is developed and brethren need to be exhibiting these qualities long before being appointed.


The good news for a local church is that before such people are appointed as elders, the congregation has been blessed with those who have been demonstrating their abilities in the leadership role. They have been doing this by being blameless, not self-willed, not being quick tempered, not being violent, not greedy for money; being hospitable, loving what is good, holding fast to the word, able to teach, married with faithful children.


What’s great about all of this is the fact that leaders in the church act that way even if they are not elders, deacons or evangelists. This goes for our sisters in the Lord too. God’s children are part of a local church family and do what they can to help out (I Cor. 12:12-27).  Who doesn’t love to see Christians who jump in to take care of things that need to get done? Whether inviting people to their home, cleaning the building, preparing the Lord’s Supper, teaching a class, leading singing, helping with the radio, or working on the website, etc.


Until a local church appoints elders like Titus was told to do, those without them are being blessed having the members working together developing their leadership qualities to help things run smoothly. May we all be doing what we can to help, and not hinder, the work of the church.

