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Study the Word

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Am I being unkind

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Am I being unkind?


After someone reads the first article, he might get the idea that I do not like the 7th Day Adventists. This is not be true. Just like the Lord, we are to love everyone (John 3:16; Matt. 22:39). Nor does it mean that I believe that 7th Day Adventist members are insincere. The scriptures tell us how people can be sincere and full of zeal but still be in error (Rom. 10:1-3). Someone can be kind, generous and even believe in God and yet still be in their sins (Acts 10:1-2; 11:14).


The Bible describes how being straightforward can cause people to think we are enemies (Gal. 4:16). My goal is to not put people down in order to puff myself up. When someone asks a Bible question, they ought to demand an answer from the word of God (I Pet. 4:11). Perhaps most importantly, God’s opinion about the religious sect is far more important than my own opinion.


I realize that it is easy for me to answer someone’s question without discussing this face to face with them or members of the 7th Day Adventists. As much as I want to give proper representation, I ought to be willing to talk about this with anyone who is a member of that group. The Lord expects me to give an answer for the hope that is within me (I Pet. 3:15). Something is obviously wrong if I will talk about a false doctrine but am unwilling to talk about it publicly.


No one should be ashamed of the gospel of Christ (Rom. 1:16). Getting together and discussing the scriptures in a calm and orderly way is to be encouraged. For the sake of all our readers, this holds true with any religious group that is out there. When a lady asked me to sit down with her preacher so the two of us could discuss the scriptures while she listened to both sides, I jumped at the opportunity. I say this so you know that you can do the same.


Christians have no excuse for being rude and hateful. We should have a genuine concern for all souls. How about you? Would you like to get together and study God’s word? It is my prayer that you will consider this offer and reach out if you are interested. 




How do I balance that?

Sunday, March 20, 2016

How do I balance that?


In our first article  we discussed having proper confidence that we are going to heaven by keeping the faith. How can Christians do this without thinking we are earning our salvation though? The key is to understand the difference between working out our own salvation with fear and trembling (Phil. 4:16) and being saved by grace through faith (Eph. 2:8). After all, faith without works is dead (James 2:24).


Consider Titus 3:1-8. In these verses, Titus is told what he is to teach the brethren. The teachings are broad and include everything from obeying the rules of the land to speaking evil of no one. He was to remind them to leave behind their former ungodly lives (verses 1-2). Notice that even with all the commands given, Titus is told that the demonstrated kindness of God did not come “by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy He saved us…” (verse 5). In essence, Titus is told that our good works do not earn God’s kindness because salvation was already offered to us.


God’s kindness came first and is seen in many ways. Logically, there would be no race to run if mankind was not given the chance to run it in the first place. Man could not keep a faith unless it had already been delivered (Jude. 3). How could we have a hope of heaven unless there was heaven to offer man and consequences if it was rejected?


The assurance Christians have is directly related to their trust in what the Lord said. Because faith comes by hearing the word of God (Rom. 10:17) and we know that hearing the word without obeying it is unprofitable (James 1:22), our hope rests in walking by faith. Those who believe you cannot be 100% certain of your chances of heaven show their lack of faith. If you do what the Lord says and do not question Him, you will have complete peace.


Anyone who is convinced they are right with the Lord should not be afraid to defend what they believe. After all, we are to give an answer for the hope that is within us (I Pet. 3:15).  Do you have that hope? And more importantly, do you know why? Consider these things and contact us if you have concerns.


That is not what I asked

Sunday, March 20, 2016

That is not what I asked


Have you noticed how; when you ask someone a question, they often answer a different one? For example, this often happens when you ask people, “Are you going to heaven?” Many people give a response but do not truly answer the question. As you read this article, ask yourself if you are guilty of answering the wrong question.


When I ask you, “Are you going to heaven?” I am not asking you…


Do you want to go to heaven?

Although this is a good question, desiring to go somewhere and knowing whether you are going somewhere are very different. Some have concluded that they are going to heaven based upon their desire. We know this is true because of what Jesus said will happen in the last day. In Matthew 7:21-23, Christ speaks of the many who will think they are going to heaven merely because they want to go there. Let me be clear – it is good to desire to go to heaven! God’s word tells us of the requirements to actually get there though. Desire does not answer the question, “Are you going to heaven?”


Does God want you to go to heaven?

No Christian should doubt whether our heavenly Father wants us to go to heaven. He sent His Son to die on the cross so that we all might be saved (John 3:16). We are even told that our God does not want anyone to perish (II Pet. 3:9). However, we are not guaranteed to go to heaven just because our Creator wants us to go. It is true that God desires for us to join Him in heaven and thus made it accessible to us, but this does not answer the question, “Are you going to heaven?”



Do others say you are going to heaven?

Many religious people have been misled and now have a false hope of heaven. They believe they are going to heaven because of what their preacher said or because of what their family and friends told them. They are not considering what God has said about the matter. This is like when Eve was told in the garden that she would not die for disobedience when God clearly said she would (Gen. 3:4). Those who think they can blame the preacher or family member who taught error need to remember what Jesus said - when the blind lead the blind, both will fall into the ditch (Matt. 15:14).  The teachings of men do not answer the question, “Are you going to heaven?”


Do you feel like you are going?

It is sad when people are taught that they cannot know whether they are going to heaven. These people often express interest in heaven but only say that they hope to get there. Jesus came to the earth to give us a peace that surpasses all understanding (Phil. 4:7). We already discussed how people can have false assurance of heaven, but this does not mean that we cannot know. God’s standards are clear, and we should remember this when asked “Are you going to heaven?”


We can know if we are going to heaven

The fact that we can know whether we are going to heaven means we can also know when we are not going. By looking to the true path described in God’s word, we can know with certainty whether we are on track to go to heaven and can take appropriate action (Matt. 7:13-14). Notice Paul’s confidence: “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but to all who have loved His appearing.” (II Tim. 4:7-8).   


Paul’s confidence does not stem from pride or love of self – it stems from confidence in our Lord. All of us are in a fight and a race that we can win, but we need to keep the faith like Paul. May we examine ourselves (II Cor. 13:5) and make sure we have a proper assurance that we are going to heaven.                                                                                      


Eat, drink and be merry

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Eat, drink and be merry


There was an occasion when someone cried out to Jesus, “Teacher, tell my brother to divide the inheritance with me,” (Luke 12:13). Jesus used this moment to speak about the evils of covetousness (verse 15). He then told a parable about a rich man (verses 16-21). Let’s consider all of these verses to see what Christ wants us to learn.


Jesus spoke of a successful farmer. His barns were full, and he did not know what he was going to do with his entire crop. He decided to pull down his barns and build bigger ones. He was pleased with this plan and intended to congratulate himself once everything was stored: “Soul, you have many goods laid up for many years; take your ease, eat, drink and be merry,” (verse 19). God then spoke: “You fool! This night your soul will be required of you; then whose will those things be which you have provided?” (verse 20). Jesus offered a conclusion: “So is he who lays up treasure for himself, and is not rich toward God,” (verse 21).


This poses several questions for modern Christians:

  • Is it wrong to build up a “nest egg” or retirement fund?
  • Is it wrong to enjoy life by eating, drinking and being merry?
  • Is it wrong to be rich?
  • Should people with earthly success feel guilty?

These questions miss the point of Christ’s teaching. The purpose of the parable was to deal with covetousness (verse 15). Having established the necessary context, let’s explore why Jesus said it was foolish to eat, drink and be merry.


Consider this – it is foolish to eat, drink and be merry when…


There is work to be done

When Jesus warned about covetousness, He made the point that one’s life does not consist in the abundance of the things he possesses (verse 15). There is much work to be done, and our Lord made it clear that the laborers are few (Luke 10:2).  People often think that this means there are not enough Christians. That is true, but Christ is specifically calling for faithful followers who are willing to work – many Christian just wants to eat, drink and be merry. We must all consider what truly brings us satisfaction. Jesus wants us to enjoy doing spiritual work, not completing the work so we can rest. Think about that.


You live to eat, drink and be merry

Have you noticed how non-Christians often “live for the weekend”? They cannot wait to eat, drink and be merry. This is often why they work. In contrast, Christians should not consider their lives “great” because they get to eat, drink and be merry! Such thinking is foolishness. Christians have many important tasks at hand - resisting temptation continually, visiting the sick, comforting the sorrowful, helping the fallen, and encouraging the weak. These tasks might not be “fun” in the earthly sense, but Christians find deeper joy in these things than they do when just eating, drinking and being merry (Matt. 5:4; James 1:27; Matt. 25:41-46). 




More is not enough

Eating, drinking and being merry can create an obsession. In other words, the more one gets of these things, the more they want them. Soon, the person cannot get enough. Like a drug addiction, these people become unhappy whenever they are not spending their time in fun and frolic. People who live this way will not be able to truthfully speak as Paul did: “Not that I speak in regard to need, for I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content,” (Phil. 4:12).




Gospel meeting Spring 2016

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Gospel meeting


In a little over a month, we will hold our spring gospel meeting. Steve Reeves, who preaches in Benton, Illinois, will come and preach a series of lessons. He will speak at all three services on Sunday, April 17th, and every following evening Monday through Friday (April. 18-22) at 7 pm. All are encouraged to attend.


Why are we having this meeting? The gospel of Jesus Christ will be proclaimed each time we meet. We have not invited Steve to come and preach his own ideas about spirituality. We expect that he will only preach the pure word of God (Rom. 1:16). He will do his best to edify the Christians here (Eph. 4:15-16). This edification is why people often refer to these meetings as revivals. By attending, Christians can expect to be revived and stirred up to good works (Titus 2:14)!


Not only will this meeting build up the saints, it will also provide opportunities for members of the community to visit. We can invite our friends and co-workers to hear the gospel (Mark 16:15). Many of our religious friends attend elsewhere and have their own recurring commitments on Sundays and Wednesdays. Meeting every night of the week will create more opportunities for them to visit.


So what can people expect when they attend Monday night through Friday night? First, we will simply welcome those who visit. They will not be “pounced” upon. Bibles will be available for those who do not have one. There will be singing, prayers and a sermon. There will not be a collection taken up as this is done on Sundays for the local church (I Cor. 16:1). 


Visitors will be greeted warmly and encouraged to listen to the message carefully. If they have any questions, they will be welcomed to ask. As Christians, we simply want to go to heaven by doing the will of the Father Please make plans to come and worship with us April 17-22.



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