Bulletin Articles

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Is the "rapture" Biblical?

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Is the “rapture” Biblical?


As a follow-up to the first article, allow me to demonstrate how I would defend truth by using a subject I have been asked about in the past. How would you react if someone questioned you like this: “Chuck, I believe in the rapture. Can you tell me why you do not?”


Following our Lord’s example, I should first express that I will be happy to answer the question.  Indeed, I need to show that I am ready and willing to give an answer.  I should not be offended or bothered that I need to defend my belief.  On the contrary, I should be pleased tohave an opportunity to discuss a Biblical truth.


Still following Jesus’ example, I should seek to turn this opportunity into a two-way exchange. “I will show you why I do not believe in the rapture if you can show me one Bible verse that mentions the word rapture.”  The questioner will realize that they need to defend what they believe as much as I do. If they are not willing to search the Bible to support their position, then they are not genuinely interested in finding the truth about rapture. We need to remember that when opinions differ on matters of truth, we cannot both be right. Sadly, people often ask questions not to know the truth, but rather just to confirm that you believe differently from them.


I know for a fact that common Bible translations never use the word rapture, so an earnest person will likely come back with passages about the righteous leaving this world (I Thess. 4:13-18). It would then be my duty to point out that none of those verses states “rapture.” Then I would go over to John 5:28-29 and point out that not just the righteous will be raised but also the unrighteous. At no point should I make fun of the other person or try to put them down. I should be presenting these Biblical facts to help them grow in understanding.


Ultimately, the questioner needs to see that the “rapture” is a false doctrine. Christians do not apologize for the truth and are obligated to expose error when they can (I John 4:1). While more could be taught about the false doctrine of the rapture, the construction of my defense should help us see how to defend the truth.



The washing of feet

Sunday, June 26, 2016

The washing of feet


      John 13:14-15 reads, “If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet. For I have given you an example, that you should do as I have done to you.” Does this passage command us to wash one another’s feet today?  Let’s take a closer look.


In the above text, this was the night of Christ betrayal. After supper being ended with His disciples, Christ got up and began to wash their feet. Why did He do this? Obviously, the Lord was going to teach His followers a lesson on humility and the need to put others ahead of themselves. So, yes, there are times one might literally wash the feet of a guest that has come in with dirty and weary feet.


But is this a command for all people? To show that Jesus was teaching a principle and not a literal act for all times, consider Luke 7:36-50. This is where Jesus was invited to a home and when the sinful woman came in a washed Christ’s feet with her tears, He perceived the bad attitude of the man who invited Him. Christ said these words, “Do you see this woman? I entered your house; you gave me no water for My feet, but she washed My feet with her tears and wiped them with the hair of her head.” (vs. 44).


Now, consider what Jesus said in John 13, and here in Luke 7. Was Jesus playing the hypocrite? Why didn’t Jesus get up, ask for water and then wash the feet of the one who invited Him into his home? The fact is, it wasn’t the Lord’s place to do that. Foot washing isn’t a command. It is a custom of that day that provided an opportunity for people to show humility. The man in Luke 7, was arrogant and was selfish in his thinking.


Even though we don’t have the custom of washing the feet of our guests today, that doesn’t mean that opportunities to show humility have disappeared. On the contrary, there are many ways saints can show selflessness. One can sacrifice time, money and energy to show honor to another, as we are commanded (Rom. 12:10).    



Who should take advantage of prayer?

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Who should take advantage of prayer? 


 We ought to say, “Everybody should take advantage of the opportunity to pray to the heavenly Father.”  However, many do not, and there are those who may be guilty of offering worthless words to our God.  Let’s look specifically at those who need to take advantage of prayer.


The lost


You might think that these are the very people that would be the last to pray. Truth be known, every saved person was looking for the truth, seeking divine help. As Jesus put it, if you seek you will find (Matt. 7:7). Petitioning to the Father for help in finding answers is why He is there. He will help those who are looking, since He does not want any to perish (II Pet. 3:9). Cornelius was lost, but the fact that he was saved from his sins shows there is no doubt his prayers to God helped him find the way (Acts 10:2, 4, 11:14-16).


The humble


There is no question that people need help in this world. But pride prevents many from seeking assistance (I Jn. 2:16). Those who recognize the greatness of the Lord, will humbly go to God in prayer (Lk. 18:13). This isn’t being done in an arrogant, demanding way. To do it in that way will profit nothing. One can hardly consider self as being righteous by being haughty. And we know it is the prayer of the righteous that accomplishes much (Jas. 5:16).


 The thankful


When one counts their blessings, they know who it is that is responsible for them, and the grateful want to express it (I Thess. 5:18). Whether it is for finding the truth, have a hope of heaven, or even for good health, our God deserves to be thanked often (Col. 3:15). When it comes to prayers, no one ought to be at a loss for things to say, especially when one thinks about all their blessings.


The worshipper


Al saints worship God (Jn. 4:24). You can sing praises to our great God, but you can also praise Him in prayer. Telling the Father how great He is, is something Christians want to do (Acts 4:24-30). When you read through the book of Psalms, you learn the many ways you can acknowledge God’s greatness. As the omniscient, omnipresent and omnipotent being, we should never run out of words to glorify the God almighty.


The dependent


When Jesus taught His disciples to pray, the Lord wanted them to ask the Father to help them frequently (Matt. 6:9-13). With His children always needing daily bread and deliverance from constant temptations, going to God in prayer is just part of our lives. Those who think they can get by without help will pray less… or not at all. But for those totally dependent upon the Father…they will pray without ceasing (I Thess. 5:17).



The penitent


When a Christian realizes they’ve sinned, they are full of so much sorrow, they know that it must lead to repentance (II Cor. 7:9). God is faithful and just to forgive those who ask for forgiveness (I Jn. 1:9).  Without the avenue of prayer, we would be in a terrible state. The question is: Do you take advantage of the privilege of prayer? If not, you should!




Motivated but not wasteful

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Motivated but not wasteful


     When Jesus sent out His disciples in what is often referred to as “the limited commission” (Matt. 10), He clearly told them to shake the dust of their feet and move on if people did not receive their words (verse 14). There are some valuable lessons to learn from this.


Do not focus on those who do not want it

 It is so easy to lose our desire to tell others the good news because so many people do not want it. But our Lord does not want us to focus on those who reject it. If we do, we are no longer working for Him. Though Jesus knew that many would reject Him (Matt. 7:13-14), He still came and made salvation available to everyone. Christ did this because He does not want any to perish (II Pet. 3:9). We must remember that because Jesus made salvation available to everyone, everyone needs to hear the gospel message. Do not neglect sharing the word with those who may be interested because you wasted time with someone who clearly did not want it.


Do not force people to listen

Some religious radicals believe their “god” wants them to kill those who reject him. Christ wants us to love all people (Matt. 22:39).  We demonstrate that love by offering the lifesaving message. If people reject it, we move on and hope that the seed we planted will grow in the future. It is not our place to get angry or give ultimatums. Our weapons are not carnal (II Cor. 10:4). We carry the sword of the spirit, which is the soul-saving word of God (Eph. 6:17; Rom. 1:16).


Do not forget to move on

Consider our original passage.  Jesus told his followers to shake the dust off their feet as they departed. In other words, they were to leave and continue teaching. God’s people never stop teaching because there are many more doors of opportunity. One neighbor says no, but there are others. One coworker says no, but there are others. The key is to not grow weary in well-doing (Gal. 6:9).


This bulletin points out two facts. You either need to obey the gospel or need to share it. May we all do what is needed to follow Christ!

