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Modernized worship?

Sunday, May 20, 2018

When you stop and think about it, it is silly to think God has changed as time has gone by. Reason being, our God doesn’t reckon time like man. We are told that a thousand years is like one day to Him (II Pet. 3:8). Not only that, we are talking about a Being without beginning or end. One who knew what was going to unfold thousands of years before it even happened (Gen. 12:1-3).


This brings us to man wanting to alter worship. Throughout history, mankind was punished over and over for making even the slightest changes to worship. From Cain (Gen. 4:1-6), to Nadab and Abihu (Lev. 10:1-2), all the way to those in Christ’s time (Matt. 15:7-9). Any worship  acceptable to the Lord always has to be according to His will, not man’s. Since the final message has been revealed (Jude 3; II Tim. 3:16-17), any changes to worship today, we know has come from the mind of man and not God.


In many religious circles today you find worship nothing more than an entertainment event designed to appeals to the masses. You can see how happy Satan is to see people wanting to serve the Lord by doing things Satan’s way.  It’s like the garden all over again. We know that God has said that we must worship in spirit and in truth (Jn. 4:24).  Satan says, “Not in spirit and in truth.” And just like Eve, it is believed.


You can choose to presume to know what God approves of or you can choose to know by listening to His words. Until man realizes that worship is for God, he will continue to do what man likes rather than what is divinely approved. When Jesus said, “Unless you believe that I am He you will die in your sins” (Jn. 8:24), it is implied that we listen and do what He says. The fact that people say that their worship is for the Lord, doesn’t excuse, or make up for that fact they do things that are unauthorized.


The question we close with, are you worshipping the way the word of God instructs? Don’t assume or presume, study and know for certain.



What about the harps?

Sunday, February 19, 2017

A couple of weeks ago we spent some time showing the difference between aids and additions. This was directed to the topic of instrumental music in worship. Those who don’t accept the fact that mechanical instruments are unauthorized, point out the verses in the New Testament that mention the harp. Thus, we shall examine each text to see what it is talking about.

I Corinthians 14:7-8: To save time with each text, I want to point out that none of them have anything to do with Christians gathering together on the first day of the week, to worship God. This passage mentioned, not only a harp, but a flute and trumpet. Why? Paul was dealing with the subject of speaking in tongues. He pointed out that, without understanding what is said, nothing is gained. Just as instruments make distinctive sounds. They were not mentioned as use in worship.

Revelation 5:8: This figurative vision, speaks of four living creatures and twenty-four elders than fell down, each having a harp, golden bowls of incense. Amidst those mentioned was a Lamb having seven horns and seven eyes. We know these are symbolic and there is a danger in making things literal that are meant figurative. Again, there isn’t the slightest hint of using instruments in worship today for God.

Revelation 14:2: The key to understanding this text is the word “like”. The voice that was heard from heaven sounded like many waters, loud thunder and someone playing harps. That is a rather odd combination, but these were just descriptive terms to try and relate what it sounded like. It wasn’t literally any of them.

Revelation 15:2: This passage, like the others we have looked at, are terms given to help describe what they saw. There were seven angels with seven plagues, something like a sea of glass mingled with fire. There was a beast with a mark and a name, and those standing on the sea of glass, having harps of God. Does this teach the use of instruments in worship? How?

Revelation 18:22: If you carefully read the text, the musicians of harpists, flutists, and trumpeters would not be heard anymore. They are linked with the destruction that will take place due to being destroyed by the power of God. 

We could also go through the New Testament and find the verses that mention other kinds of instrument. The word trumpet is mentioned at least a dozen times. None of which was used to imply that saints today are to gather and use mechanical instruments in worship. It’s important that one understands what God authorizes in worship and what He doesn’t. It isn’t my place to say God hates instrumental music, in and of itself. Sort of like people trying to prove God approves of brethren being hospitable (Rom. 12:13), but doing such in worship doesn’t make sense.

Producing scriptures that show God approves of something, doesn’t mean you can apply that to any situation. That is very dangerous and inconsistent. There is no doubt that our God approved of a faithful sister’s act of making garments for widows (Acts 9:36-39). However, to show this text and say that God would accept, as worship, His people all sitting around and making garments together. I know this is sounding absurd, but I want us to see the principle.

Christians were commanded to sing (Eph. 5:19; Col. 3:16). Not to sing and play. That is adding to the word of God, which was are warned against (Gal. 1:6-9). The reason the early Christians didn’t use instruments, wasn’t because they didn’t have any, or couldn’t afford any. It was because they were not authorized, and didn’t need them to help them sing.  Instruments are no more an aid to singing than taking a drink of soda aids in helping me take the fruit of the vine (I Cor. 11:23-26).


Aids and additions

Sunday, February 05, 2017

When trying to understand what the Bible says about a subject, understanding the difference between aids and additions is critical. For example, the Lord told His follower to take the unleaven bread and the fruit of the vine to remember His death (Matt. 26:26-28). If we added chocolate cake to this remembrance, would that be an aid or an addition? The two foods (unleaven bread and fruit of the vine) were specifically called out in the verse, so adding chocolate cake would be an addition. What if we placed the unleavened bread and fruit of the vine on a table during this process? The verses say nothing to include or exclude a table – it is merely helpful to accomplish what the verses focus on. The table is an aid. Do you see the difference?


Consider the command to use music in worship to God. Music can be vocal, instrumental or both. Which did God command? The inspired word of God states that we are to sing using our voices, so singing is clearly acceptable (Col. 3:16; Eph. 5:19). What if instruments were also used during the worship though?


To answer this, let us revisit the example of the Lord’s Supper. What would be the harm if we added chocolate cake to the Supper and also kept the unleavened bread and the fruit of the vine? Cake is still not authorized as only unleavened bread and the fruit of the vine were specifically called out. Chocolate cake is not required. Instruments are not required to fulfill the command to sing during worship, nor is there any authority to add them.


Like the table in the Lord’s Supper, song leaders and books are aids to singing. An instrument is not an aid because it is a different form of music. Other ways to create melodies, like whistling and humming, are also additions because they do not use “words” as commanded.


Keep in mind that as we look at musical notes in hymnals, we also look at the corresponding words of praise. However, playing an instrument involves no words. There is a difference between singing praises to God making melody in our hearts to the Lord (Col. 3:17), and using a mechanical instrument.




Understanding inferences

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Have you ever wondered how the early Christians knew when to gather together for worship on Sundays? Was it just a coincidence that all the brethren showed up at the same place and at the same time (Acts 20:7)? The Bible does not specifically state where or at what time to meet. It is reasonable to conclude that the church decided this ahead of time.


Knowing that a decision that needed to be made, did the early Christians have Biblical authority for making this decision? A skeptic might say no because there is no book, chapter and verse to tells them when and where. However, I Corinthians 11:17-29 contains a command by Paul that brethren were to gather to take the Lord’s Supper. You cannot fulfill that command without understanding necessary inferences – i.e. when and where to meet.


This is a skill we all use in our daily lives. For example, a mother tells her child to clean their room. Is that enough information for the child to get the job done? Absolutely! They will use their legs to walk into their room. They will use their eyes to look around. They will use their hands to pick up things and put them where they belong. They will use their judgment to make sure they give themselves enough time to get the job done that day. If the child does not clean the room because their mother did not provide all those details (inferences), will the mother accept this excuse? Not a chance.


Does this mean people can infer anything they want? No. There are boundaries. In the example of the mother and the child, it would not be acceptable for the child to get their younger sibling to clean the room for them. They violated the command “you clean your room.”  If the child opts to clean it another day, they violate the command. If the child opts to clean their parent’s room, they violate the command.


Abiding in the teaching of Christ (II John 9) consists of doing what we are told by making the necessary inferences. We will continue with this subject in next week’s bulletin by exploring “aids and additions” to understand authority.



What is "forsaking the assembly"?

Sunday, January 29, 2017

What is “forsaking the assembly”?


Many of us are familiar with Hebrews 10:25: “not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching.”  What exactly does this mean?


Some contend that a Christian can skip a Sunday here and there and not be accused of “forsaking the assembly” because they have not abandoned church services altogether. The word “forsaking” means to leave behind, leave to desert. Does this mean that a person is forsaking the assembly if they leave and do not return? Yes, but not always.


Consider when Jesus was hanging on the cross. There is no question that he felt all alone. He uttered the words, “My God, My God, why have you forsaken Me?” (Mark 15:34). This is the exact same word that the Hebrew writer used. This article is not a discussion of whether God forsook Jesus or if Jesus just felt that way. My point is this – was Jesus correct to use the word “forsaken” in that situation? Did Jesus not have to wait weeks or months to then use the term? No. One can forsake when a person is not where they ought to be.


If a child of God decides they are going to skip services on a Sunday – even if just for one week – the scriptures teach that they have forsaken the assembly. Simply put, they were supposed to be there (I Cor. 11:17-18; Acts 20:7; I Cor. 16:1-2). It is not logical to say that it is okay to miss one Sunday or to miss on occasion when God’s word is clear about our regular attendance.


This thinking also indicates a double-standard. If a Christian misses one Sunday and says they will be back the next Sunday, they are clearly expecting that the church will be gathered then. This person expects the brethren to be gathered, but the brethren cannot expect the same in return.  That is not right, and we all know it.


Problems with “hit and miss” attendance are ultimately problems of the heart. The Lord demands to be worshipped (John 4:24). If our response is to do it when convenient or only when we feel like it, we should not expect the Lord to be pleased. We also need to be mindful of the example this sets for children and other members. Jesus said that we need to be lights in a world of darkness (Matt. 5:13-15). We cannot honestly say that we are seeking first the kingdom of God when we would rather be somewhere else (Matt. 6:33).


To further understand that a person can forsake the assembly by only missing one Sunday, think about a marriage. If a husband goes off with another woman for just one night, can you really say he forsook their wife? Yes!!! Even if the husband planned to go back to their mate the next day, he forsook the vow that he made. Saints are described as being married to the Lord (II Cor. 11:2). Therefore, when we choose not to gather with the saints to honor our Lord, we are not being faithful.


Let’s look at yet one more example. Mark 14:50 describes how Jesus was arrested and all his followers deserted (forsook) Him. Notice how the followers were described as forsaking Jesus even though very little time has passed. Yet again, a Christian can be guilty of forsaking the assembly by taking a single day off from worship.


This begs the question – what does it mean when someone skips a day of worship? They need to repent of their sin (Luke 13:3). Local churches often struggle to know if members are guilty of this as people can be creative in coming up with “reasons” why they could not attend. You might fool fellow Christians, but you cannot fool the Lord. We will ultimately answer to the Him, not man (II Cor. 5:1).



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