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Acts 5:36-37

Church of Scientology

Sunday, May 08, 2016

Church of Scientology


L. Ron Hubbard (born 1911, died 1986) was the founder of the church of Scientology. He devoted much of his life to a study of what he thought the soul did to the body. The cores of his teachings are found in the book Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health. The church of Scientology began in the 1950’s.  Why write about this?


I have often stated that the concept of the Biblical term “church” is widely misunderstood. Nothing demonstrates this more than learning about sects that call themselves “churches”. How can a group call itself a church when has nothing to do with the word of God? The group’s teachings have nothing to do with what God has commanded, or the e Savior who died for the world (Rom. 5:6-11).


It is bad enough when people are not united regarding the scriptures (I Cor. 1:10). How could we possibly be united with a “church” that seeks “truth” when that truth comes from the mind of man and not God? The answer is simple – you cannot. Listening to lectures and digesting the writings of L. Ron Hubbard is not going to teach you where man came from, what man’s purpose in life is, nor what lies beyond the grave. Obviously, this did not stop Hubbard from teaching his theories (such as the teaching that when you die, you can come back in another body to live on this earth).


This should not surprise us. As long as man expands his imagination, there will be people who want to believe it as fact. This is nothing new (Acts 5:36-37). Once you reject the Bible as the only inspired writing that we have (II Tim. 3:16), then the floodgate opens and the world will be filled with all sorts of false teachings.


Now do not misunderstand me. If Mr. Hubbard imparted some medical information, like we have in many medical journals today, that information could be factual. But it is one thing to impart knowledge. It is something different altogether to share information as if it is divine in its source. Only the Bible can make that claim!

