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Men are without excuse

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Men are without excuse


After reading the first article and realizing how common those attitudes are, it might sound like men can blame their lust on women. This is incorrect – the Bible is clear that lusting upon a woman is a sin (Matt. 5:28). Boy and men face a great challenge in controlling their thoughts, and the attire of women does not excuse them. This temptation, like all temptations, can be resisted though to avoid sin (James 1:14-15).


The lust of the flesh is EVERYWHERE! Many non-Christians pay no attention to what they wear in public. Since sex sells, it is found across billboards, commercials, TV programs, movies and books. Pornography is a multimillion dollar industry. The internet is filled with filth. Amid all this, men must actively control their thoughts. Yes, you can encourage the women you are around dress modestly, but the broader public will not. So what can you do?


  1. Do not become comfortable around it.
  2. Do not encourage your wife or children to feel comfortable around it.
  3. Do not sit and watch it. Change the channel, turn it off or walk away.
  4. Do not stare and lust.
  5. Do not make light of it and say, “ I am a man, it’s normal.”
  6. Do not think it will not lead to other sins.
  7. Do not think it is doing no harm when no one knows what you are doing.


Consider what Paul wrote: “Finally brethren, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy-meditate on these things,” (Phil. 4:8). David was described as a man after God’s own heart and yet he succumbed to these temptations. Beware and stay strong for the devil wants to devour you (I Pet. 5:8).

