Bulletin Articles

Bulletin Articles

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I know what the Bible says, but what if…?

Sunday, June 04, 2017

Over the years people have posed many hypothetical situations to me to get me to admit there are exceptions to the rule. They argue this on the assumption that if there is an exception to the rule, then the rule is invalid. This logic is simply not Biblical.

For example, the Bible clearly reveals that when people want to become a Christian they ought to be baptized immediately (Acts 2:42; 8:36; 22:16). But what if someone is in prison and there is no place to baptize them right away – does the prisoner invalidate his baptism by making arrangements with the prison officials? Of course not! The individual wants to be baptized right away but cannot, so he is immediately doing what he can to set up the baptism. This exception does not invalidate the rule.

What about the subject of divorce and remarriage? The Lord makes it clear that husbands and wives ought to remain married for life (Rom. 7:2).  This is true even if one is a Christian and the other is not (I Cor. 7:12-14). The only way anyone could remarry, according to the Lord, is if the mate dies or if a spouse is unfaithful. In the case of adultery, the innocent party can put the guilt away. Only the innocent can remarry (Matt. 5:32; 19:9).

When you show people that the only divorce sanctioned by the Lord is caused by adultery, all kinds of hypothetical situations are posed. What if the husband is beats the wife and kids? What if the husband abandons the wife? Is divorce permissible in these cases?

What does the Bible say about the husband that beats the wife? In Romans 13:3-4, the apostle Paul told the brethren that governing authorities are to be a help to those who do right. They are also there to punish those who do evil. If you and your children are being harmed, it is your right to be protected. Being separated from your mate for a period of time is approved by God (I Cor. 7:5). (This text was specifically dealing with a mutual agreement to separate for a time to devote self to fasting and prayer).

What if a mate abandons their spouse or family? Paul wrote that the loyal mate is not under bondage to them (I Cor. 7:15). In other words, they are not obligated to grab the children and chase them from one state to another. If they want to leave, let them leave. But again, the rule of divorce does not change.

Whether we are talking about baptism, marriage or any other law of the Lord, it is easy to come up with unlikely, hypothetical situations. You might even be aware of a few truthful, unusual circumstances. Still, there is no getting around what the Bible teaches. It is good for couples to work out their differences. God’s stance on divorce has not changed even though most people disregard what He has said.

Attempting to be exempted from God’s word is a waste of time. It is like when someone mentions Proverbs 22:6 and tells me that if a child is trained up properly, they will be faithful to the Lord. This is often true, but finding an exception to the rule does not mean the rule should be discarded.

Keep in mind, that there isn’t really any exception to the rule. To train a child up in the way of the Lord, and when they are faithful, the rule is true. When you teach someone incarcerated and they want to be baptized immediately, the rule is still true. When a mate is put out of harms way, yet their mate still hasn’t committed adultery, the rule is still true. Let’s not fall for the vain attempts to justify not doing what we are told in the word of God.


It is not a sin

Sunday, September 11, 2016

It is not a sin!


In a letter to the Corinthians, the apostle Paul asked “Did I commit sin in abasing myself that you might be exalted, because I preached the gospel of God to you free of charge?” (II Cor. 11:7).  It was absurd to think that Paul sinned by showing his humility and preaching to the brethren for free. But obviously someone twisted things and made it seem like the apostle was in the wrong.


This is nothing new. Even today, people claim it is sinful to do certain things that are simply not wrong. Here is a short list of several things that it is not sinful to do:


  1. Eat pork. Certain meats were deemed unclean under the Old Law. But now, under the gospel of Jesus Christ, nothing is to be considered unclean (Acts 10:10-15).


  1. Get married. Many religious groups teach that it is wrong for religious leaders to marry (I Tim. 4:3). However, anyone can get married as long as it is lawful (Matt. 19:9).


  1. Never get married. It is true that woman was created as a companion for man (Gen. 2:20-25), but some people take this too far and say that everyone must marry. Recall that Paul encouraged people not to marry if they could bear it (I Cor. 7:7-8).


  1. Say someone is wrong. So often you hear that if you point the finger, you are judging!  However, how can you help the sinner without pointing out the sin (James 5:19-20)? It does seem odd that anyone would think it is sinful to point out sin (Gal. 2:11).


  1. Question religious leaders. If teachers are not to be questioned, what do you do if they teach error? Students must be able to question teachers. Allowing error to go unchecked is wrong (Acts 18:24-26).

