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parable of sower

Can I really write that?

Sunday, May 01, 2016

Can I really write that?


Some people will disagree with the first article because they feel that Christians should not do the things listed and, if they do, these people were never Christians in the first place. Such circular thinking is absurd. Read the verses and notice how they were all addressed to Jesus’ followers (during His time on the earth) or Christians (after His death). However, let’s pursue this line a thought some more.


Christians are constantly being warned in the word of God to take heed lest they fall (I Cor. 10:12; Heb. 3:12). Why warn God’s people of something that cannot happen? If Christians are being warned of things, then they are obviously susceptible. We also have passages that tell us that Christian can and have fallen away (I Tim. 4:1; II Pet. 2:20-22). Even Jesus spoke of such with the parable of the sower in Matthew 13.


So what should Christian do to make sure they do not fall away? The apostle Paul told the saints at Corinth to examine themselves regularly to confirm that they are in the faith (II Cor. 13:5). We do that by looking into the perfect law of liberty (James 1:25). The word of the Lord is designed to instruct, correct and chastise (II Tim. 3:16-17).


Then what should a Christian do when he/she sees another Christian fall away? First, remember the words of Jesus in Matthew 7:1-5. If you want to help a brother, make sure you do not have sin in your own life. Next, help them come back (James 5:19-20). This is the wrong time to say “it is not our business”. We are all obligated to look out for the spiritual wellbeing of our brothers and sisters.


The hardest thing about all of this is seeing someone who needs help but thinks they are fine. The first article points out many of those possible scenarios. People can think they are alive spiritually when they are actually dead (I Tim. 5:6).


Each of us should go back over the first article and make sure we have not fallen victim to self-deception. As we stated already – “Take heed lest you fall.”  If we think it cannot happen, it will!

