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Handling brethren like Diotrephes

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Handling brethren like Diotrephes


Local churches can face all kinds of hardships. Sometimes, a member will feel like the church should revolve around them. This is a person who elevates themselves above the rest of the members and wants the preeminence. This is not a theoretical situation – it is described in the Bible! In III John 9-10, we read about a man named Diotrephes conducting himself this way.


This article’s focus is not so much about recognizing the ungodly behavior as it is about learning how a congregation should deal with a person like this. In our text, we are told that such a person needs to be confronted. Letting a person continue with that kind of behavior helps no one. John said he was going to deal with this man when arrived (verse 10). Interestingly, the local church did not have to wait until John showed up. The verse stated, “And not content with that, he himself does not receive the brethren, and forbids those who wish to, putting them out of the church” (verse 10).


The fact the John used the word “brethren” indicates that there were some brothers and sisters who stood against Diotrephes. As a result, they were put out of the church by this man. While Diotrephes prevented them from assembling with their brethren, keep in mind that no man can remove you from the spiritual church which the Lord added you to (Acts 2:47).


Whenever a brother or sister transgresses, our goal is to act in love to try and get them to repent (Gal. 6:1; James 5:19-20; I Cor. 5:1-7). Those who stoop to the level of the transgressor are also guilty of sin. Saints must know how the Lord wants them to conduct themselves. This can be a genuine challenge when dealing with a self-righteous man like Diotrephes, but the faithful still have a responsibility to “take the high road” and not return evil for evil (Rom. 12:21).


We all need to remember that the church belongs to Jesus (Matt. 16:18). Let us all seek to put Him first both when things are going well in the local church and when challenges arise.

