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Just say thank you

Sunday, October 09, 2016

Just say thank you!


As a young man many years ago, I was given a needed rebuke by a sister in the Lord. When someone did something for me, I would say things like, “Oh, you didn’t have to do that!” Or, I would try and be funny and state, “What is this? And look, I don’t have anything for you!” Although I did appreciate what was done for me, I did not know how to express it properly. Then the sister in the Lord corrected me – “Just say thank you!”


People do like to do things for others (Gal. 6:10). We understand that it is more blessed to give than receive (Acts 20:35). Is it wrong for people to expect me to say thank you? Not at all. After all, I do not want to come across as ungrateful even though I inwardly feel very grateful. It is easy to overlook what is required outwardly when we are okay inwardly. However, as our Lord has taught, our attitude will show outwardly when it is first right inwardly (Matt. 23:25-27).


As a preacher, I am well aware of Paul’s example in being thankful for churches that support the preaching of the gospel. In Philippians 1:3, the apostle told the brethren that He thanked God for every remembrance of them. He also pointed out his appreciation by mentioning how they helped him financially time and again (Phil. 4:15-16). Did Paul need to do this? Yes. It was the right thing to do and showed that Paul did not take their kindness for granted.


Jesus taught this principle when He healed the ten lepers in Luke 17:11-19. Jesus did not “need” the praise per se so much as those who were healed needed to be thankful. People are pleased when they hear a “thank you”, but keep in mind what it prevents. You do not want to make light of what was done or indicate that you someone “deserved” it.


Think about our relationship with the Lord. Why pray when He already knows what we will say? Why praise Him when He already knows how we feel? Let’s not take our God or our fellow man for granted. Remember – in everything give thanks (I Thess. 5:18).



What church would Christ attend?

Sunday, October 09, 2016

What church would Christ attend?


Although the title’s question is hypothetical, our Lord is present when His followers gather to worship Him (Matt. 18:20). Moreover, we know that Christ dwells within the hearts of the faithful (Eph. 3:17). Knowing these things, the Scriptures provide enough information for us to answer the question.


If Jesus were to walk the face of this earth, where would He go to worship on Sunday? The answer can be found in Eph. 2:19, which describes God’s people as being part of a household. Christians belong to the family of God. When someone goes away on a trip and comes back, which family will he spend time with? That might seem like a silly question, but it will help us understand which church Jesus would worship with. Logically, He would spend time with His family and thus worship with His church.


Jesus said He was going to build His church (Matt. 16:18). This happened when He died on the cross and purchased the church with His own blood (Acts 20:28). When someone is covered by His blood and becomes a Christian, the Lord adds them to His body – the church (Acts 2:38, 41, 47; Rev. 1:5). This is why Christ calls them His own special people (I Pet. 2:9).


If Jesus returned to earth, would He assemble with the church that He is the head of (Col. 1:18) or some manmade religious organization? The answer might seem obvious. But would Christ show His love by visiting every denomination? This is an interesting question.


This should cause us to ponder a few things. I expect that Christ would visit every religious sect. He would not visit to worship though – He would visit to correct and admonish, telling them they need to abide only in His doctrine (II John 9) and that there is only one gospel (Gal. 1:6-9). Consider Revelation chapters two and three – the deeds of every congregation were recognized, but they were not all praised.


Let us return to the original question; which church would Christ attend? It would be His. We should not expect Christ to choose to worship with us if we designed worship for our own preferences rather than for His (John 4:24). Furthermore, why would anyone think that Christ would gather where He is not recognized as the head? Paul called the faithful who gathered in certain cities as churches of Christ (Rom. 16:16) because they belong to Christ.


Would Christ be pleased and willing to worship at any place that called themselves a church that is Christ?  Not at all. Again, He may go there to rebuke and admonish them to repent, just as He did with the seven churches of Asia in Revelation chapters two and three. Five of those churches were told to repent or else their candlestick would be removed. Jesus could say these churches belong to Him!


Let me make this perfectly clear – Jesus is not coming back to live on the earth again. But He is coming back, and everyone will be judged (II Cor. 5:10). It will be at a time when not expected (II Pet. 3:9-10). It is therefore important to be found faithful. If Christ would not be found worshipping at a manmade church, why would He be pleased to find you at one?


People who claim it does not matter which church we go to should look to the Scriptures and see how Jesus addressed His church. Remember, there will be many in the last day who will think they are going to be received into heaven but will instead hear the Lord say, “I don’t know you” (Matt. 7:21-23). Which church will you belong to?



Look at Barnabas and look at us

Sunday, October 02, 2016

Look at Barabbas and look at us!


There are many powerful lessons surrounding the death of Jesus Christ, but one great lesson we must not overlook is that of Barabbas. To appease the Jews during the annual feast, Pilate would release a single prisoner that the Jews requested (Mark 15:6). The Roman ruler was hoping to release Jesus due to His innocence, but the chief priests stirred up the crowd to request the release of Barabbas (Mark 15:11).  As a result, Jesus was crucified and Barabbas was set free (Mark 15:15).


What do we know about this prisoner who skirted his deserved punishment? According to the scriptures, this man was part of a rebellion that resulted in murder (Mark 15:7).  We are told that this man was a notorious prisoner (Matt. 15:16).  It is also clear that many knew this man and his reputation as Pilate thought the crowd would want this evil person remain in prison and have Jesus released. Unfortunately, the guilty person was freed and the innocent Christ was crucified (Matt. 27:21-26).


As much as this whole incident should bother us, it should also hit home. In a sense, each of us is Barabbas. By that I mean, Barabbas was a sinner yet Jesus went to the cross for him. My wording was intentional. You might think I should have said, Jesus went to the cross instead of him. That is also true, but Jesus died for everyone (John 3:16).


How should Barabbas have looked at Jesus? This is interesting. After all, he would not have been set free that day if not for Christ. He did not respect the law or the lives of others. Same as the evil people of our day, most guilty people during Biblical times would do everything they could to avoid punishment if they were caught breaking the law. We see no evidence that Barabbas was concerned about the false accusations made against Jesus – he only seemed interested in his own freedom at any cost. Regardless of whether Barabbas changed his ways after being freed and learning about Jesus, we need to recognize this lesson for ourselves.


All people are lost in sin (Rom. 3:23). We might not literally be behind bars for committing our sins, but we are still in a state of spiritual bondage (Gal. 4:3). Therefore, those who have not obeyed the gospel of Jesus Christ are free to roam on earth, but they are on the run from God. However, there will be a day of reckoning (II Cor. 5:10).


Did Barabbas turn his life around after receiving a second chance? The Bible does not tell us. Statistics show that most people who are a prisoner today will return to prison in the future. If a person who is punished for his crimes is unlikely to learn his lesson, then it seems logical that a man like Barabbas who did not receive his full punishment will also be likely to continue to break the law.


What about us though? What makes us so different from Barabbas? He rebelled and murdered – are we guilty of the same? Yes! When we sinned, it was like we crucified Christ (Heb. 6:6). Any transgression can be called a rebellion against the will of God. How many of us look at Jesus and consider His sacrifice personally? For all intents and purposes, we are all Barabbas. We deserve to die in our sins without any hope. Then, here come a Savior who pays our debt without being asked! It was not something we earned or deserved (Rom. 5:6-11).


As we look to the cross, we need to understand that Jesus did what we could not do for ourselves. We use the expression “paying one’s debt to society.” Sin does not work this way – the only pay for the debt of our sins was through an innocent person – Christ (II Cor. 5:21). In other words, He did for us what we could not do for ourselves. Let’s look at Barabbas, then look at ourselves and learn.




A great lesson to learn

Sunday, September 25, 2016

A great lesson to learn


If you do not know what happened in Acts 15:37-41, then you will miss out on a powerful lesson contained in II Timothy 4:11. Paul told timothy, “Only Luke is with me. Get Mark and bring him with you, for he is useful to me for ministry.” It was nice to know how much Paul appreciated Mark. Reading Acts 15 gives a much deeper understanding though.


Paul and Barnabas had gotten back from their first missionary journey (Acts 14:28). During the trip, John Mark was with them and returned home sometime during that trip (Acts 13:13). We are not told why John Mark returned to Jerusalem instead of continuing on with Paul and Barnabas.


Shortly after their first journey, Paul approach Barnabas and wanted to head back out on a second journey to visit the new converts from the first journey (Acts 15:36). Barnabas was ready and willing to go with Paul, but he wanted to bring Mark with them again (verse 37). Paul adamantly did not want Mark to come with them (verse 38). Barnabas did not agree with Paul and insisted they take him. In the end, neither Paul nor Barnabas would give in, so they went their separate ways (verse 39-40). 


Both men had their reasons, but they were fundamentally disagreeing about an opinion rather than something doctrinal. Paul could have written Mark off and held a grudge against him and Barnabas, but he did not. When Paul told Timothy to bring Mark “for he is useful to me”, the apostle was willing to accept the maturity and ability of Mark. Paul did not let pride get in the way.


Let us not forget Mark in all of this. It is foolish to think that he did not know what Paul thought when he and Barnabas disagreed about brining Mark on the second journey. Mark could have easily held something against Paul and refused to work with him. Grudges are easy to harbor, so we need to learn from these men. I would even go so far as to suggest that even Barnabas had a role in not driving a permanent wedge between Mark and Paul. May we learn from them.




The church is not a franchise

Sunday, September 25, 2016

The church is not a franchise 


In last week’s bulletin, we discussed the subject of church funds and examined what you can and cannot use these funds for. What we need to discuss further is the relationship between churches. After all, some religious groups are organized like a fast food franchise. In other words, you might own a local McDonalds, but as a franchise you send money to the corporate head to cover licensing costs, advertising, etc.


Churches of our Lord that you read about in the bible are not franchises. They did not send money to a centralized organization in charge of erecting church buildings, advertising, placing preachers, printing teaching material, etc. Instead, the local churches are self-governing and autonomous. With Christ being the head of the church (Col. 1:18), every local congregation takes care of its own business.


To be clear, God recognizes no universal church of Christ “organization”. There is no pattern or authority for this in the Bible.  The New Testament contains no faithful religious organization larger than the local church. Consider why seven letters were written to seven different churches of Christ in Asia (Rev. 2-3). There was no “head church” to filter a message through. Instead, a letter was written to each independent church.


Of course, this system of organization is very different from most denominations today. Most groups have an earthly headquarters, appoint people to various centralized leadership positions and devise their own bylaws for the organization. These rules are enforced, and those who do not abide by them might be ousted.


As for the Lord’s church as described in the New Testament, a local group that wanders away from following Christ will not have a direct impact on any other church that is His. Why? They take care of their own business and have Christ as their head. A local church may stray, but this will not drag down the “universal” church belonging to Christ. Contrast this with the denominational model described earlier. If the “head church” strays from Christ, then the entire organization will stray (and because they are using a non-Biblical organization model, they are already straying).


Because the churches of Christ are independent, each local group decides what they can afford to do – TV programs, radio shows, paying for a preacher full time, owning a building to meet within, etc.  These are all local decisions – no other church of Christ can interfere with the decision-making.


This does not mean that local churches have nothing to do with each other. In New Testament times, brethren had fellowship with one another. Paul visited many churches and even sent greetings from churches (Rom. 16:16). While Christians are encouraged to visit and worship with faithful congregations when travelling, they do not have a right to interfere with their affairs.


If two local, independent churches are both faithfully following the head – Christ – there should be no doctrinal differences. This makes sense because to abide in Christ’s doctrine of Christ means we are right with our God (II John 9). If you visit a place that teaches different things than where you have been going, that means they do not have the same doctrine. One group might be right while the other is wrong, or they might both wrong. If they differ on doctrinal matters, though, they both cannot be right (I Cor. 1:10)!


As you seek for the truth (Matt. 7:7), keep in mind that the denominational/franchise concept many religious groups use today is not found in the Bible. Instead, there is the church Jesus built (Matt. 16:16; Acts 20:28). Make sure you seek that one.




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