Bulletin Articles

Bulletin Articles

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Should you always speak the truth?

Sunday, July 30, 2017

The title of this article presents a question that might seem silly to ask. From a Christian point of view, it seems obvious that one should always tell the truth. However, telling the truth does not always require you to speak. In other words, you might find it better to say nothing than to speak the truth in certain situations.


Sometimes silence is what is needed

For a perfect example, consider when Jesus was confronted by the chief priests and elders (Matt. 21:23-27). Jesus obviously knew the truth and could have spoken. However, because they refused to answer His question, He did not answer theirs. Jesus recognized the true intent of the conversation and was not under obligation to tell the truth. Still, let’s not confuse this idea with thinking there are times when we can lie. That’s not what we are talking about in the article.


The Proverb writer stated that one should not answer a fool according to his folly (26:4). You may very well be right about something, but if you are dealing with one who is just being foolish in his thinking, your truth will fall on deaf ears. This is why our Lord told His followers that when someone does not want to hear the truth, there comes a time you have to shake the dust off your feet and move on (Luke 9:5).


There are different ways to utter the truth

We must also not forget that there are many ways to say the same thing without lying. Again, the Proverb writer stated that a soft answer can turn away wrath (Prov. 15:1). Paul spoke similarly in his when instructing saints to speak the truth in love (Eph. 4:15). It is not the intention to speak in a way to defuse a situation by withholding truth. Rather, it means to choose our words wisely.


Let your yes be yes, and your no be no

Knowing that we all need to speak the truth, Christians need to make sure they mean what they say. If we say we are going to do something, it ought to be the truth, not just a ploy to create a temporary reprieve. During His sermon on the mount, Jesus admonished his followers “But let your ‘Yes” be “Yes” and your ‘No,’ ‘No.’ For whatever is more than these is from the evil one,” (Matt. 5:37). God’s people do not say things like, “Well, I really did not mean it.” Or, “You are not going to hold me to that are you?” God’s people are to tell the truth always, even when they say they are going to do something.


Gossip may be truth, but still gossip

It is easy to justify gossip by saying, “Well, it was the truth!” This may be correct, but such things should not be said if our intent is to malign another instead of helping them. Our Lord pointed out that if we have a matter with a brother, we are to go to him directly (Matt. 18:15). Not everyone needs to know all the “ins and outs” of our personal lives. Telling every little detail might be truthful, but we need to make sure that we are speaking with purpose, not just to create a stir. There is far too much being uttered for a lack of understanding of this principle.


Beware of uttering “white” lies

Too often, people replace the truth with what they consider a “harmless” lie. If there is no obvious harm done by the falsehood, people become more comfortable deviating from truth. The problem is that our Lord makes no distinction between “harmless” lies and “malicious” ones. “But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.” (Rev. 21:8). May we only speak truth as God’s children.



What will happen in 2016?

Sunday, January 03, 2016

What will happen in 2016?


Another year has come and gone for the River Ridge church of Christ. It was filled with many efforts that helped the church grow and spread the word of God. We do not know what is in store for this coming year, but let’s look back over 2015 and reflect.


Planting and watering

Reaching the lost continued to be one of the main things we focused on as a church (Eph. 3:10). These efforts did not slow down, and we need to continue to press ahead in this area. Here is a list of things which we were engaged in:

  1. Weekly TV program of Study the Word on FOX.
  2. Daily TV program of Study the Word on WOW cable.
  3. Weekly radio program on 98.5 FM.
  4. Bi-weekly mailing of our weekly bulletin to over 100 people in the community.
  5. Streaming our services live online.
  6. Held our first gospel meeting in the building at 5600 Vann Road
  7. Sent out numerous Bible study courses to those who requested them.
  8. Arranged personal home studies with many folks throughout the year.
  9. Mailed several DVD copies of our TV program to viewers throughout the year.


Providing edification for the members

Building the local church up spiritually is another huge responsibility of the church (Eph. 4:12,16). As a body of Christ, it is essential that we continue to strengthen our faith. Here is a list of things we engaged in to help the members grow:

  1. Gathered together as a church 156 times for Bible study and worship.
  2. Offered monthly ladies classes and a monthly Friday class.
  3. Created preaching and teaching opportunities for the members.
  4. Encouraged the saints via our gospel meeting
  5. Members requested some personal Bible classes to help them grow (this is open for all)
  6. Members mailed the bulletin and helped with the radio program every week.
  7. Members visited with other members and prayed for one another throughout the year.


Allowing members to use their talents

No congregation is a “one man show”. To function effectively, all of the members should do what they can to help the church (I Cor. 12:12-14). This list is just a small sampling of the jobs done throughout the year that allow members to contribute:

  1. Cleaning the building.
  2. Taking care of the communion prep.
  3. Looking after the landscaping.
  4. Greeting visitors and making them feel welcomed.
  5. Praying earnestly for the church and the lost.
  6. Encouraging one another and building up that bond of love.


May we set goals to do even more in 2016, if the Lord wills.                                                                                

