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Demon possession
Sunday, December 04, 2016Demon possession
This past week I received a text from a man concerned about demon possession. He asked me what I knew about it. I told him that it does not exist today. His response: I wish that were true. I insisted that I could prove it Biblically. He sounded comforted but still wanted proof.
To be clear, I am not denying that demon possession existed. Jesus often cast out unclean spirits from people (Luke 4:40-41; 8:2, 26-33; 9:38-42). Beyond our Savior casting demons out of people, both the apostles and those whom they laid hands on also had the ability (Acts 5:16; 8:6-7; 16:16-18). It is one thing to know that possession existed, but it is another to understand what the Bible teaches on the subject.
Jesus, His apostles and some Christians cast out demons with purpose. This was not just done to help those suffering – it was also done to demonstrate power. Performing exorcisms showed that God was with them and confirmed that the things they were teaching were of God. Jesus made this purpose clear in Mark 16:19-20 – the gifts were given to confirm the word. Remember that in New Testament times, the scriptures were not yet complete. Once the complete revelation was given, it no longer needed to be confirmed and the gifts would go away (Jude 3).
Not just anyone could cast out demons though. As evidence, let’s consider what happened with some Jewish exorcists. In Acts 19:12-16, some religious men claimed to have the power to cast out evil spirits. These men noticed how Paul called upon Christ to rid people of evil spirits. Seeing this, they opted to do the same with a demon: “We adjure you by the Jesus whom Paul preaches,” (verse 13).
The evil spirit then responded to the exorcists: “Jesus I know, and Paul I know, but who are you?” (verse 15). Then the demon leaped on them, overpowered them and caused them to flee the house naked and wounded (verse 16).
Movies and modern depictions of exorcisms are nothing like what we find in the Bible. The exorcisms of the Bible do not require ongoing repetition of scriptures and all-night vigils. The exorcist simply commanded the evil spirit to leave the body, and the spirit would comply. This happened via the power from above. Jesus could do it, as could His apostles. As we previously mentioned, the apostles would lay hands on Christians to give them the gifts of the Holy Spirit. One of those gifts was the ability to cast out demons (Acts 8:17-18).
James 4:7 should offer us comfort: “Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.” The key to this verse is the part that says to submit to God. The suffering of those who “think” they are possessed by demons has more to do with rejecting God than it does with being overpowered by some evil spirit. This is why we are warned about getting caught up in black magic, sorcery and even astrology (Acts 8:9; Rev. 21:8; Gal. 5:20; Eph. 5:11). We are to rely on the power of God and not allow ourselves to follow Satan.
Am I implying that someone who dabbles with the occult will become demon-possessed? I will only quote the exact word of God: “Do you not know that to whom you present yourselves slaves to obey, you are that one’s slaves whom you obey, whether of sin to death, or of obedience to righteousness?” (Rom. 6:16). Demons cannot overpower anyone who is following God, and everyone has the capability to obey Him (Romans 14:11).
There is no need for exorcism today. Moreover, nobody is qualified to perform one as the apostles have not laid hands on anyone alive today. God always makes a way of escape when we are tempted (I Cor. 10:13). We do not have to fear being overpowered by demons. Trust in God and follow Him.
Do not forget Jesus was a worker
Sunday, November 27, 2016Do not forget that Jesus was a worker
We should never forget that Jesus lived a perfect, righteous life and then endured a terrible death save the souls of mankind (Heb. 4:15; Rom. 5:6-11). This is why we are admonished to follow His example (I Pet. 2:21). But let us not forget that when Jesus walked on this earth, He was constantly working.
Consider this example from Matthew 11:1: “Now it came to pass, when Jesus finished commanding His twelve disciples, that He departed from there to teach and to preach in their cities.” The next verse says that when John was in prison, he heard about the works of Christ (verse 2). This indicates how far the impact of Christ’s work spread. What else do we know about how much the Lord accomplished? “And there are also many other things that Jesus did, which if they were written one by one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain all the books that would be written,” (John 21:25).
Many claim to be Christians – do they desire to be workers like Christ? If we sing the hymn “I want to be a worker for the Lord” can we also say, “I am a worker for the Lord, just like the Lord”? This is a good aspiration to have, but it is not easily accomplished.
It is true that Jesus spent time healing people, which we cannot do. And yes, Jesus performed many miracles that we simply cannot do. However, our Savior did many things which we can do like praying long and often, encouraging and sympathizing, and preaching and teaching. We all need to be increasing in these things as time goes by.
Perhaps Jesus knew that He only had about 3 ½ years on the earth to do these things, so He did as much as He could in a short period. Whether this is true or not, it makes no difference. None of us know how much time we have. If we are earnest about our service and we do not know how much time we have, then we should be even more encouraged to work while we can! Live like Jesus lived, and work like Jesus worked!
Where is this coming from?
Sunday, November 27, 2016Where is this coming from?
Acts 28 contains an interesting set of events. Paul was part of a shipwreck while he was being transported to Rome. The crew and all the prisoners ended up on the Island of Malta, and the natives received them warmly (verse 2). When Paul went to gather some sticks, a viper fastened itself to his hand (verse 3). Notice the reaction of the natives.
The text tells us that when the natives saw that Paul had been bitten, they thought, “No doubt this man is a murderer, whom, though he has escaped the sea, yet justice does not allow him to live,” (verse 4). Where did this idea come from? To some people, it must certainly mean something that a man survived a shipwreck and swam to shore only to be bitten by a venomous snake bite him. To the people of Malta, it seemed obvious that Paul is guilty.
Paul shook off the viper into the fire, and his hand did not swell up. The people of Malta then reasoned that Paul was a god (verse 5-6). Again, to some people it certainly must mean something that a person who already survived the shipwreck could also survive the snake bite. To the people of Malta, it seemed obvious that Paul must be a god if he could endure the bite without even any swelling.
Reading this text reminds me of Ephesians 4:14. This is where the brethren were told not to be tossed to and fro with every wind of doctrine. The people on the island of Malta were all over the map with their reasoning. They were too quick to draw conclusions, just as we see many people do today. Here is why people often think the way they do:
Their beliefs are not based upon fact. Whether superstitions or the traditions of men, people can easily convince themselves of things. Regardless of the conclusion, these ideas all come from the mind of man. In other words, they believe whatever they want (Matt. 15:9; 16:13-14). When you push people about where their beliefs come from, you will usually find that the ideas came from man and not the Lord.
They were impatient and wanted to believe quickly without inquiring. This is why Paul used children as an example in Ephesians 4. Christians were told not to be like children being tossed to and fro. Children are quick to believe and trust blindly. This is exactly what happened with the people of Malta when the viper bit Paul. They did not even ask Paul why he did not swell. Clearly, we need to ask (Matt. 7:7). We can have the truth if we seek it (John 8:32). It is far easier to just believe what everyone else does rather than verifying it.
Their “logic” excluded other possibilities. The people of Malta concluded that Paul was a murderer and then that Paul was a god, yet neither were true. Rather than investigating, the conclusions were drawn quickly (and erroneously). This is a common problem today as well. People believe things to the point that their minds are closed, and there is no room for discussion. Without a willingness to consider other viewpoints, the odds of coming to a proper conclusion are zero! This is what our Savior was taught when He was punished: “If I have spoken evil, bear witness of the evil; but if well, why do you strike Me?” (John 18:23). Jesus was not rejecting the idea of being accused – He was rightfully demanding that it be proven.
They did not know any better. We should not be surprised when people believe falsehoods. The text in Acts 28 reveals that Paul healed and helped many people on Malta (verse 8). Eventually, Paul was able to talk about the God of heaven and how He gets the glory. It was never about Paul, and he knew that. Just because man does not know better does not mean they are without excuse – they all need to hear the truth (Rom. 10:14-16).
Did Jesus care?
Sunday, November 20, 2016Did Jesus care?
Jesus was on the cross next to two thieves, yet he only told one of them “Today you will be with me in paradise” (Luke 23:43). Imagine hanging on a cross near death, yet you hear the other person being told they would be with the Lord in paradise. Do you feel sorry for that thief? Jesus certainly did, since He said, “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do,” (verse 34). That statement includes the second thief.
This article was sparked by a call I received this week. My mom was upset with the news that her sister’s husband died (my uncle Eric). I called my aunt Pat and expressed my condolences, but I found myself struggling with ways to offer comfort as I know the fate of those who do not care to follow the Lord – just as that thief.
Just as the Lord does not desire any to perish (II Pet. 3:9), we as His children should feel the same. That being said, many people will act like the harsh thief and refuse to turn to the Lord. Should we really feel sorry for someone who neglected such an opportunity? The answer is both yes and no.
It is terrible that anyone would choose the world’s broad way over the Lord’s narrow way. The unrepentant thief “got what was coming to him.” However, just because the faithful get to go to heaven does not mean they are getting what they deserve. No one deserves heaven. It was made possible by mercy and grace (Eph. 2:8; Titus 3:5). Even though we have loved ones that refuse to follow Jesus and leave this world unprepared, we still feel sorry for them.
My uncle went to Home Depot and bought some tile. He laid the second tile when he said he felt tired and needed to sit down. That was the last breath he took. We never know when we shall spend our last moments upon this earth. Let us do all we can to make sure we are prepared and have compassion on the lost. If you are not right with the Lord, take care of it immediately. Jesus does care!
How can we handle torment?
Sunday, November 20, 2016How can we handle torment?
How many of us can identify with what Lot went through? Peter tells us that he was oppressed with the filthy conduct of the world (II Pet. 2:7). The apostle went on to say that by living among worldly people, Lot “tormented his righteous soul from day to day by seeing and hearing their lawless deeds” (verse 8). We can imagine how bad Lot felt seeing the corruption around him daily.
The interesting thing about what this godly man faced is what it reveals about the Lord. Peter’s thought concludes that “the Lord knows how to deliver the godly out of temptations and to reserve the unjust under punishment for the day of judgment,” (verse 9). This lesson poses a challenge for us. Do we handle the wickedness around us as our Lord wants? Here are some thoughts to consider about living in a world of darkness.
Never get comfortable with sin
Let’s be honest – the day we begin to feel nothing concerning the sin all around us is the day we start to engage in it. Does this really happen? Can someone become numb to sin and then eventually start participating too? Certainly! What if a person becomes numb to sin but does not join in? This is also wrong! The Roman brethren were given a long list of sins to avoid. Then, they were told that any who “[know] the righteous judgment of God, that those who practice such things are worthy of death, not only do the same but also approve of those who practice them.” (Rom. 1:32). Essentially, we approve sin if we know better and yet do not challenge it.
Do not invite it into your home
If a person does not approve of foul language, sexual immorality or drunkenness, would you be wise to invite these things into your home and enjoy them? This happens all the time when families gather around the TV and watches a movie that is full of sin. John warned of this: “If anyone comes to you and does not bring this doctrine, do not receive him into your house nor greet him; for he who greets him shares in his evil deeds,” (II John 10). There is no doubt that if a guest in their home started to cuss or tell dirty jokes, Christian parents would ask the person to stop. Yet this happens in most TV sitcoms today!
Keep the disgust alive
Christ Jesus never felt comfortable with sin. This did not stop Him from being around sinners – He even ate with them (Mark 2:16). Even so, the Lord’s disgust for transgression remained strong. Recall how He overturned the tables of the money changers and drove them out of the temple (Matt. 21:12-13). There is nothing wrong with disliking the ungodly behavior around us. Truthfully, when was the last time you were not exposed to any sin? I am not suggesting that our daily lives are as bad as what Lot faced. We do not have people coming to our home and demanding that our guests commit evil acts with them. Still, this does not make the sin we encounter daily any less evil.
Seek God’s deliverance
Just as He showed with Lot, God knows how to deliver the godly out of temptation (I Cor. 10:13). If we do not abide by the first three points of this article though, then we are “not so godly” and thus should not expect to be delivered. A classic line applies here– God helps those who help themselves. When the Lord’s ways are on our minds, we can make a conscious effort to seek Him. We can have victory if we come out from the world and live differently (II Cor. 6:17-18). Lot lived in Sodom, yet he did not live like those around him – what about us?