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1 Thessalonians 4:13-18

Is the "rapture" Biblical?

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Is the “rapture” Biblical?


As a follow-up to the first article, allow me to demonstrate how I would defend truth by using a subject I have been asked about in the past. How would you react if someone questioned you like this: “Chuck, I believe in the rapture. Can you tell me why you do not?”


Following our Lord’s example, I should first express that I will be happy to answer the question.  Indeed, I need to show that I am ready and willing to give an answer.  I should not be offended or bothered that I need to defend my belief.  On the contrary, I should be pleased tohave an opportunity to discuss a Biblical truth.


Still following Jesus’ example, I should seek to turn this opportunity into a two-way exchange. “I will show you why I do not believe in the rapture if you can show me one Bible verse that mentions the word rapture.”  The questioner will realize that they need to defend what they believe as much as I do. If they are not willing to search the Bible to support their position, then they are not genuinely interested in finding the truth about rapture. We need to remember that when opinions differ on matters of truth, we cannot both be right. Sadly, people often ask questions not to know the truth, but rather just to confirm that you believe differently from them.


I know for a fact that common Bible translations never use the word rapture, so an earnest person will likely come back with passages about the righteous leaving this world (I Thess. 4:13-18). It would then be my duty to point out that none of those verses states “rapture.” Then I would go over to John 5:28-29 and point out that not just the righteous will be raised but also the unrighteous. At no point should I make fun of the other person or try to put them down. I should be presenting these Biblical facts to help them grow in understanding.


Ultimately, the questioner needs to see that the “rapture” is a false doctrine. Christians do not apologize for the truth and are obligated to expose error when they can (I John 4:1). While more could be taught about the false doctrine of the rapture, the construction of my defense should help us see how to defend the truth.

