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Sometimes there just isn't any logical answer!

Sunday, March 04, 2018

When you read II Timothy 4:2-4, one can’t help but wonder why anyone who wants to go to heaven and wants to continue to worship God, turns to false teaching? Even though the apostle answers that question by saying that people will turn their away from the truth and turn aside to fables (vs. 4), we are still left wondering why anyone would do that?


I realize that there isn’t any good reason why people would leave the truth and cling to anything else. Even though the following just doesn’t seem right, here are some possible answers as to why someone would leave the truth and follow lies:


  1. There is comfort in numbers and that’s what the majority does (Matt. 7:13-14).


  1. The gospel is considered foolishness and there is no desire to be connected with foolishness ( Cor. 1:23)


  1. The gospel message doesn’t allow for “enjoyment” of the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eye, or the pride of life (I Jn. 2:16).


  1. The preaching of the gospel demands that one make changes in their life, and there is a desire to stay the same (II Pet. 3:18).


  1. The preaching of the gospel doesn’t make one happy playing the hypocrite (Matt. 15:7-9).



  1. Standing fast in the gospel can cause one to be at odds with their own family (Matt. 10:34-35).


  1. Practicing what the gospel teaches will prevent one from gaining the praise of men (Lk. 6:26).


  1. Rejecting the gospel will be upsetting at first, but soon the lies will seem like truth once the conscience is seared (I Tim. 4:1-2).


  1. By preaching a “different gospel” you will have more success since it will be more appealing to the masses (Gal. 1:6-9).


  1. Since the gospel can’t be changed, if one turns to fables, they will feel like they have more control and not be governed by limitations (Col. 3:17).


  1. Without hearing the gospel, a person can now favor foolish flattery and empty praise (Prov. 7:5).


  1. Leaving the gospel will be much easier and it will take very little effort to go down another road (Jn. 14:6).


  1. Following the gospel involves church discipline. By leaving it, you can go where it isn’t done (I Cor. 5:1-10).


  1. By not appreciating those who preach the gospel and point the finger, one can leave and go where it isn’t taught. Then you can point the finger at those who do teach it (II Cor. 11:5-15).


  1. One can leave the gospel and believe lies because it makes them “feel” good. But it will be temporary (Heb. 11:25).



Can it get any clearer?

Saturday, March 25, 2017

Consider these words that Paul spoke to Timothy, “Now the Spirit expressly says that in the latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons, speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their conscience seared with a hot iron., forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from foods which God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and know the truth.” (I Tim. 4:1-3).  

Notice how Paul warned Timothy of those who would command people to abstain from eating certain foods. They even have those who teach in their organization that they must remain celibate. Do we not see that those are the very things that Timothy was told concerning those who have fallen away?

Oh it can’t be a religious organization that is large and has many followers that Paul was talking about. Well, the truth is, the apostle said it was going to happen. The Catholic church didn’t even come into existence for close to 600 years after those words were penned to Timothy. Keep in mind, there are other groups that have been guilty of forbidding foods and marriage since then.

The point is, the scriptures will never be outdated. Something that was right or wrong for the church in the first century is the same today. If we know of anyone or any group that fits any of the descriptions in our text, you can be confident that they are not following the Lord. It matters not how long a religious organization has practiced something. If it is in violation of God’s word it is WRONG!

I think it is vital that pointing out error never gives anyone the right to be arrogant and self-righteous. The main reason one points out error is to help (Mk. 16:15; Jas. 5:19-20). It also helps keep the church pure since it is to remain unspotted from the world (II Cor. 11:2; I Tim. 3:15). Even though individuals want to create a grey area so as to muddy the waters. Right and wrong are clearly seen for those who have their eyes open.


Is the "rapture" Biblical?

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Is the “rapture” Biblical?


As a follow-up to the first article, allow me to demonstrate how I would defend truth by using a subject I have been asked about in the past. How would you react if someone questioned you like this: “Chuck, I believe in the rapture. Can you tell me why you do not?”


Following our Lord’s example, I should first express that I will be happy to answer the question.  Indeed, I need to show that I am ready and willing to give an answer.  I should not be offended or bothered that I need to defend my belief.  On the contrary, I should be pleased tohave an opportunity to discuss a Biblical truth.


Still following Jesus’ example, I should seek to turn this opportunity into a two-way exchange. “I will show you why I do not believe in the rapture if you can show me one Bible verse that mentions the word rapture.”  The questioner will realize that they need to defend what they believe as much as I do. If they are not willing to search the Bible to support their position, then they are not genuinely interested in finding the truth about rapture. We need to remember that when opinions differ on matters of truth, we cannot both be right. Sadly, people often ask questions not to know the truth, but rather just to confirm that you believe differently from them.


I know for a fact that common Bible translations never use the word rapture, so an earnest person will likely come back with passages about the righteous leaving this world (I Thess. 4:13-18). It would then be my duty to point out that none of those verses states “rapture.” Then I would go over to John 5:28-29 and point out that not just the righteous will be raised but also the unrighteous. At no point should I make fun of the other person or try to put them down. I should be presenting these Biblical facts to help them grow in understanding.


Ultimately, the questioner needs to see that the “rapture” is a false doctrine. Christians do not apologize for the truth and are obligated to expose error when they can (I John 4:1). While more could be taught about the false doctrine of the rapture, the construction of my defense should help us see how to defend the truth.



Let's think this through

Sunday, January 01, 2017

Let’s think this through


How many times have we requested, “If we are wrong, please show us?” I bring this up is because we recently heard a person who viewed an episode of our TV program on YouTube. He is what he wrote:

“You don’t treat facts the same way we run our justice system. Something that is said is not a fact until proven wrong, something becomes fact when it is proven right. So your entire basis is backwards. A talking serpent has never been seen or observed, ever. No person has ever been seen capable of parting water. You are believing what you chose to believe, and I feel terrible for the children in the room you are brainwashing.”


Those who believe they have the truth should never be afraid or get upset when challenged. With that in mind, let’s examine the comment we received. It is important to read carefully to avoid misunderstanding what was written. Too often people disagree with something that was not said. As this article proceeds, please reread the submitted comment a few times to keep it fresh in your mind.


Let us first address the statement that “A talking serpent has never been seen or observed.” We read in Genesis 3:1-4 that Eve saw and observed the talking serpent. On this point, a person will either accept the Bible as fact or reject it. The same goes with the parting of the waters. In Exodus 14:21-22, there were plenty of people that saw the parted waters. Even those who did not believe in the God of heaven (the Egyptian army), were also witnesses of what Moses did (verse 23).


Now let’s turn our attention to his statement concerning our justice system. He declared, “Something that is said is not fact until proven wrong, something becomes fact when it is proven right.”  He then indicates that eyewitness accounts are the burden of proof to prove something true. However, courts use circumstantial evidence all the time. If no one was an eyewitness, does that mean no one could ever be convicted of a crime? Of course they can. If there is overwhelming evidence that a person committed a crime, the charge is considered true.


Moreover, people accept things that have not been explicitly demonstrated all the time in their daily lives. For example, if I say I had a hamburger for lunch, the statement is accepted as truth until it is proven that I lied. Would this man accept that Shakespeare wrote Romeo and Juliet? No eyewitnesses are alive today. We accept this fact based on Shakespeare’s own claim and written historical records. Christians do the same thing regarding the Bible.


I do take exception to the final claim that I am brainwashing people. That would be true if I told people to believe whatever I said without checking it out (Acts 17:11). It would be true if I asked people to believe things that did not work logically. The argument given in response to the TV program was very thin, and yet the final claim (brainwashing) is very strong. At a minimum, making flimsy claims like that is no better than the brainwashing he accused me of!


It is true that we walk by faith (II Cor. 5:7). But this is not blind faith. It’s actually the opposite – our faith is based on evidence (facts). Hebrews 11:1 states that “faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” We did not have to be present during the days of creation to know that God created the heavens and the earth (Gen. 1:1).  I did not have to be present when man made the pyramids to state that they were manmade. Some people are very quick to dismiss the beliefs of Christians, yet they believe many things about this universe with far less evidence. If someone is going to convince me that I am wrong, I will need more than a statement saying I am!




God gave them over

Sunday, December 04, 2016

God gave them over


In conjunction with our first article, we need to understand that God will not make mankind follow Him. Our Father has given us more than enough evidence to prove His He does exist, meaning we are without excuse (Rom. 1:20). Still, our Creator leaves the choice in our hands via freewill. If people want to reject Him, so be it.


Having said that, consider Romans 1:28: “even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a debased mind, to do those things which are not fitting.”  This explains why so many think the gospel message is foolish. Those who reject His word are professing to be wise, but they are fools (Rom. 1:22). The wisdom of this world is foolishness with God (I Cor. 1:27).


So what happens when someone develops a debased mind? The most dangerous result is that they become convinced that certain falsehoods are truth. For example, some are convinced that demon possession exists today. As Paul mentioned to the Roman brethren, people convinced themselves that sexual immorality was okay (Rom. 1:26-27). This is the result of a natural progression that starts when someone changes the true and living God into idols made by the hands of men (Rom. 1:23).


If someone develops a debased mind, can they break free of this and come back to the Lord? Yes! This is why we are redeemed by the blood of Christ (Eph. 1:7). It means we are brought back. The fact that we all have sinned (Rom. 3:23) means we all chose to reject God and instead do what we wanted. Those who choose to obey the gospel change their minds – that is what repentance means. We then put off that old man and put on the new man in baptism (Acts 2:38; Rom. 6:3-7). The debased mind has been put aside for a pure one.


Knowing all of this help encourage us to spread the good news. Let us never think that certain people are “made evil” or that the devil has taken away their free will to the degree that they cannot come back to the Lord. Those who do not obey are those who do not want to – it is as simple as that.



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