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How many dads would to that?

Sunday, March 25, 2018

When we read the story of Job, perhaps what can get overlooked is the brief commentary of his life prior to the devil tempting him. In Job 1:5, it states, “So it was, when the days of feasting had run their course, that Job would send and sanctify them, and he would rise early in the morning and offer burnt offerings according to the number of them all. For Job said, ‘It may be that my sons have sinned and cursed God in their hearts.’ Thus Job did regularly.”


Parents today want the best for their children. They want to make sure they are clothed and have food and shelter. Then there is the desire for them to be healthy and to enjoy their youth. Yet Job demonstrated to the Father in Heaven what was important to him. His children’s spiritual well-being was on his mind continually. Notice Job’s concerns centered around what he couldn’t know. Outwardly they could convey to Job they were okay spiritually, but what was truly in their heart?


Children, like all people, can put on a front and pretend to be something they are not. Please understand it wasn’t so much a lesson about a parent not trusting in their kids as it is a parent’s relationship to his Creator. Job didn’t want his children to have done anything against the Father in heaven. When a parent has this attitude, the children will soon learn what their parent really wants from them – to be godly.


It wasn’t that Job thought about this once in a while; we are told he did this regularly. Hopefully this made an impression upon his children and they didn’t curse God in their hearts. After all, we read in Job 1:18-19, all of his sons and daughters were killed when a great wind came up and caused the house to collapse. Life is uncertain and we all need to be prepared for when death comes. For those of us who have children, let’s make sure we instill the need for them to be faithful to the Lord. They will see this in the way you live for Him.



What not to do

Sunday, August 28, 2016

What not to do 


This past Sunday, we studied a lesson about parents nurturing their children properly. As Paul put it, Christians should “bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord” (Eph. 6:4). That same verse also says that fathers are not to provoke their children to wrath. Children need discipline to be raised as the Lord has instructed, but improper discipline can lead children to wrath. How can parents provoke their children to wrath?


  1. Punish them for things they did not do.  We are to care for our children like our Father cares from us. The Bible is clear that God is just, so we also need to be just with our young (I John 1:9).


  1. Be inconsistent with your punishment. Christians know good from evil because God has pointed these things out. Similarly, our children must know what our standards are (II John 9-10).


  1. Only criticize, never compliment. If brothers and sisters in Christ need building up, certainly our sons and daughters do too (I Thess. 5:11).


  1. Belittle and mock. Criticism can hurt, but mocking and embarrassing a child can crush their spirit. This is nothing more than foolish talking and jesting (Eph. 5:4).


  1. Make unreasonable demands. Having unrealistic expectations for your child will cut them to the core. Children need to be learn to do things, but giving impossible tasks is just cruel. Children do childish things, and it is foolish to think otherwise (I Cor. 13:11).


  1. Administer disproportionate punishment. Parents use judgment to decide when and how to punish. Without love though, a child could end up with a punishment disproportionate to their error (Heb. 12:6).


  1. Punish them for things you do as a parent. Nothing will confuse and anger a child faster than being punished for things they see their parents do. Children need proper examples, and parents need to lead that effort (I Tim. 4:12).


  1. Show favoritism with your children. It will only hurt all of your children if they see a parent favor one child. This will certainly produce anger (Gen. 37:4).


  1. Allow disobedience to go unpunished. It might seem counterintuitive, but children will eventually learn to despise a parent who gives them everything. This is why our heavenly Father stated He will not be mocked (Gal. 6:7). Mocking comes when a child does not reap what he sows, but we can be assured that God will punish all disobedience.


  1. Giving them too much freedom. Immature parents think they are benefiting their child by letting them decide everything. Children need to make more of their own decisions as they age, but they still need guidance. Without it, they will be provoked to anger (Prov. 22:6). “Train” means to teach, so be their teacher!


  1. Treat them as an inconvenience. If you want to provoke a child, then make it clear that you resent them. Anyone can have a child, but it does not automatically make them a good parent (Eph. 6:4).


As adults, we may remember times where we were provoked to anger as children. This is not an excuse to repeat the cycle by provoking our own children. We have no excuse for not being faithful.

